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Everything posted by toon25

  1. I fully agree with you here. What I will say, however, is that Redknapp and his media chums are equally guilty of trying to unsettle players and using the media as a tool to do so. It's fucking annoying.
  2. This. Really don't know why we're trying to ship Best. We need to build a fucking squad ffs. If they're going to offer anyone p/ex, offer them fucking Shola or Ranger.
  3. toon25

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    Brace yourself buddy.
  4. I don't believe it's as simple as that. I do believe some players have genuine affection for their club and try their hardest for it, it's just that their careers are short and when they get a chance to make some easy money and get a payrise they're obviously likely to take it. I think it's more complicated than saying "all footballers are just out for themselves". A player can have affection for a club/city/fanbase and still leave it for career/financial reasons. Everyone does that in their career. Perhaps you're right. Perhaps it's just the bias of the modern football supporter, i.e. he doesn't play for my team = he's a mercenary cunt. I know I'm certainly like that - see Carroll.
  5. Surely everyone knows there's no loyalty in football nowadays. Just because we love our club doesn't mean that players obliged to feel the same. Every one of those fuckers are out for themselves, even if they do keep us placated by meaningless soundbites professing some degree of deep love and affection for club/fans/city, etc. It's all bullshit.
  6. Agreed. I watch Reading fairly often and there's no doubting that Long's not a bad player at all. Hard working and certainly knows where the goal is (at Championship level ). If he were to move here I could see him becoming a little like Doyle - much endeavour but would score too few goals. £10m is a fucking ridiculous estimate. I'd say he's worth £5m - any more than that and I'd say it wouldn't be worth it.
  7. ...or Matt Holland is Irish. ....or Chris Birchill is from Trinidad and Tobago. How the fuck did they manage to wangle that, btw?
  8. Nasri is far more versatile though. I must admit I don't watch a great deal of French football, but Nasri is an outstanding player and to think Gervinho, a striker-cum-winger, is an upgrade on a guy who played an absolutely essential role in keeping you in the top 4 during the first half of last season is a little optimistic to say the least. As mentioned, Nasri also isn't going to be off to the ACN. You'll be far better placed to deal with Fabregas leaving if Nasri stays.
  9. When does Jonas' contract run out? Also, how old is he - 28?
  10. What's hppened to Leonardo?
  11. 10mil at least if they're intent on selling. I doubt £7mil would even get Roger Johnson ffs! Selling Colo would be akin to shooting ourselves well and truly in the face. Neither Willi nor Taylor are good enough if we've aspirations to break top 10 on a consistent basis.
  12. Nice to see return of the avatar too Dave.
  13. Rebuilt mine with bits of my knee cap, do they do with semtex and dynamite now What happened with your knee bimpy?
  14. Get in! Take it that means Xisco's on the way oot! Either that or....Xisco 9.
  15. Does anyone know why on this site they're selling two Arsenal tops - one for £40 and another 'authentic' one for £90? What's the difference?
  16. Where does Barnetta stand in relation to Zoggy in terms of ability?
  17. Really don't mean this in a cuntish way, but it's frightening to think about where we would be if he hadn't had that heart attack.
  18. Aren't these quotes from a local rag? Anyway, if Jose's serious about Chumps League that excludes the bin dippers, thank god. Might also mean he'll go abroad. Only the Arse haven't got a settled left-back and I've yet to see Jose linked with them.
  19. Surely there must be some latitude in the 'reducing costs' aspect of Pardew's remit though? Frankly, if 'reducing costs' means bringing in players like Ba, Cabeye for £4mil and selling Nolan when he's after 5 years at 55k, then Ashley is on the right track, surely? If people take this 'reducing costs' at face value, why is the club just not bringining in cheap shite to replace Carroll, Nolan, etc. 'Reducing costs' could mean a number of things and not all of them negative.
  20. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    To be fair on the Nolan front, he and the club did try to keep Nolan. From the sounds of things he was offered a reasonable deal but chose to turn it down. What else can the club do? Offer him a whacking £55k 5 year deal? It wouldn't be sensible. As far as the Carroll saga goes, too much has been said already, but £35mil was a great price. Anyway, we're in a rebuilding phase at the mo. So far I'm pleased with the acquisitions of Cabeye and Ba and by the sounds of things there's more to come. I for one am optimistic for the future.
  21. Eric Djemba-Djemba. Quinton Fortune
  22. Wasn't that Sam Hutchinson bought from the Smoggies - remember there was a big hoo-haa about him being pretty decent? Obv. not now of course, but you do wonder why these players were bought in the first place.
  23. From some of Pardew's comments earlier in the year regarding Tiote, I think he'll be given a bit more of a box-box/midfield engine room role next season. If this interest in Matuidi materialises, it'll be a midfield three of Cabeye, Matuidi, Tiote. Mr. T won't be sold......at least not this summer.
  24. Look at Dogleish's face on that advert top right. Smug cunt.
  25. This. Dust has settled somewhat now and I can honestly say that it says a great deal about Nolan as a player that he's moving to the Championshit and not another Premiership rival. Personally, I wish the bloke nothing but the best. Great captain, great leader and seemingly a good bloke who helped us get back and stay there. Thank you and good luck.
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