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Everything posted by toon25

  1. toon25

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Think we'll see him in a few cameos from the bench rather than starting IMO. Reckon Pardew will not want to risk him.
  2. Cannot understand some of the negativity. I could be hit by a bus tomorrow - but it doesn't mean I have to spend today thinking about it. Credit where it's due, a great move and statement of intent.
  3. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Was completely anti-Pardew when first heard he was appointed. But as far as I'm concerned we've looked a better team under him.
  4. toon25

    Shefki Kuqi

    Ewerthon and Kuqi are different types of strikers. I'm hoping, therefore, that the initial intention was to try and sign both and that we'll be trying again for Ewerthon.
  5. toon25

    Shefki Kuqi

    This. No need for this signing whatsoever, even if we are short on bodies. The bloke will offer absolutely fuck all if he plays.
  6. toon25


    What are the chances of Pardew trying to bring both Ewethon and Kuqi in then?
  7. toon25


    Does anyone think we might go back for him or is this one dead?
  8. toon25


    Turned down an offer from us according to SSN.
  9. Which game is after this one? I am looking ahead to see where we might realistically pick up our next points. Blackburn (a) I think?
  10. toon25

    Shola Ameobi

    Class. I feel sorry for the guy really. Sure he's a terribly limited footballer, but he's also had some dreadful luck over the years. When his fortunes seem to be turning he ends up on the treatment table for months on end. I remember him getting crocked soon after his hat-trick against Reading last year when he looked like the Pele of the Championship. Poor bugger.
  11. Good. After watching him fail to get anything out of a strong Newcastle squad I have high hopes he will take Liverpool backwards and the money they have spent will become a debt they can't service. That would be just grand. I wonder how the media would react to the 'scouse messiah' falling flat on his face? Would absolutely love it to go tits up for them but with their money I can just see them spending their way to Europe.
  12. If this is going to be the only option I'd rather more effort went into bringing through some of the kids.
  13. Has anyone noticed what a smug cunt Dalgiesh appears lately? Can't stand the bloke. According to John Henry we'll be seeing more of him after this season too.
  14. Why we were not linked with striker even from the 1st Jan when it was evident that with Carroll's injury we'd struggle is truly baffling. Complete an utter short-sightedness on behalf of Pardew who, on the basis of one game against a shite Wham, thought Best was good enough. I think Pardew genuinely believed he'd be able to bring in 2 players and, to be fair, if Birmingham hadn't pulled the plug on Larsson he might have successful in bringing those 2 men in. I can see no other reason for deciding to let Routledge go. At the end of the day though, who knows. Yet another monumental cock-up from those in charge who have done nothing more than foster resentment, negativity and uncertainty among fans. Bastards.
  15. This. He's deliberately tried/been advised to stir the shit so as to come up smelling of roses.
  16. Sadly I don't think anyone will take Smith tbh. We're stuck with him. The very best we can hope for is that he decides that he can't play any more at the top level and hangs up his boots in the summer.
  17. As I've said yesterday Carroll had tried to use the fans as a pawn in all of this, and that is absolutely disgusting in all of this from the hatred from the fans towards Ashley. I would rather he just admitted he tried to extract more money from the club from the situation, but he won't. Exactly. Has done far more harm than good in this instance for a club that he 'loves'/loved. All he's done is to stoke the embers of tension already existing between Ashley and the fans. I'm no Ashley apologist, but this endless debate is doing nothing disrupt the situation further. He genuinely excited me as a player - the first man to do so since Shearer. Somehow you had the feeling that if he was playing there was always a possibility that we could score. He's gone now though. Let's move on. He's not the first player to excite fans and he won't be the last.
  18. Can't blame people at the club for being shocked tbh. After all, we fans are. It's only natural since Carroll/Pardew had been adamant that he was going nowhere. I'm sure the players will pick themselves up. I don't think we'll win tonight though - 2-0 Fulham or something to that effect. They seem to be picking themselves up somewhat.
  19. And the worst thing is that when the next homegrown star leaves, we'll be just as shocked as with Carroll. http://www.nufc.co.uk/javaImages/96/a8/0,,10278~9021590,00.jpg Who is this?! Is 36 AT LEAST, no?
  20. As much of a 'non-manager' as Joe Kinnear. Dear oh dear. The manner in which people make these suppositions is truly baffling.
  21. Exactly mate, these conspiracy theories are cringeworthy. He's a mercenary cunt who doesnt give two fucks about Newcastle, simple as that. Exactly. The bloke still has family in Newcastle and will obviously be coming back at some stage to 'ride' a few lasses - the text malarky was nothing more than an effort to save face and, in my opinion, has done more harm to the club he supposedly 'loves' by giving rise to some of these ridiculous conspiracy theories. If he really loved the club he'd shut the fuck up and stop trying to stir the shit.
  22. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Nothing like Kinnear in the slightest. I think the guy knows what he's doing for a start. Can you imagine Kinnear having £xx millions to spend?
  23. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Agreed. That interview was absolutely spot on.
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