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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Agreed. Will be very competitive indeed. Lots of good teams and a number of top managers in there too. Sven, McClaren, etc. I just wonder how far the fat cunt's brand of football is going to get him next season.
  2. Nolan, Faye, Gardner - I see the fat cunt is trying resurrect his old Bolton side having found himself incapable of succeeding with a group of different players at Toon and Blackburn. What odds are there on Davies moving to Wham?
  3. Not just one player they're selling though because the likes of barton and enrique are next to leave the circus run by the biggest and dafest clown of all time, mike ashley. And who are we bringing in? Neil f**king Taylor and some lille player with f*ck all premier league experience. Come on man, if you go for players with Premier League experience then 90% of the time you over pay. There are countless examples of players who have no Premier League experience and come in and do well. We signed Tiote for, what, £3.5m from FC Twente? If we sold him to a Premier League team now, how much would he be worth? £15m+? Tiote is not worth 15 million no club would pay that for him 8 million would be more like it he is very good for us but he is no michael essien.
  4. Jay Bothroyd here we come! What a day. Never dull being a Newcastle fan, ffs.
  5. There best be other irons in the fire is all I can say. Whilst his knee would have possibly been a problem, the fact he was free was a big positive.
  6. The fact he was so integral on bringing a relegated team together is perhaps one of the reasons why that fat cunt wants him down there. West Spam are a complete shambles at the mo. The good thing is I suppose he won't be lining up against us next year!
  7. Nail on head for me. Epitomises my mixed feelings on this. I actually really like Nolan and think he's been a fantastic captain for us. He's one of the main reasons why I fell back in love with the 'team' having had to tolerate so much shit and so many mercenaries over the years. He's also scored some crucial goals which Pardew will absolutely have to replace before I can see any sense whatsoever in selling him now.
  8. toon25


    If there are any positives to be taken out of this, providing of course that we sign someone for that position, it's surely that we won't have to deal with the ACN. It'll be bad enough losing Tiote.
  9. toon25

    Football pet hates

    ...and in particular how that relates to transfers. The deliberate, blatant attempts to unsettle players and ensure that they end up playing for Man U, Man C, Chelsea or Arsenal. Or Liverpool. To be fair, Redknapp has done his fair old share of unsettling players through his media chums too.
  10. toon25


    Who's that in the picture with him. Am sure I've seen him before but just can't remember.
  11. That's not Alexander Frei is it? Or am I just being a wee bit thick?
  12. toon25


    Sheargol, do you know how much we've bid?
  13. toon25


    Despite their guy saying Spurs' was the only bid (so far)? Don't know tbh, I'm only going from Sheargol, who's rarely one to bullshit.
  14. toon25


    Sheargol was pretty adamant we'd offered him terms. I can only assume that Droopy cunt has been rejected because our bid was higher.
  15. toon25


    Oh, let me guess, I'm on the 'high horse'. Common sense. Nothing wrong with getting our hopes up though. I'm disappointed, I must admit, but I think the positives to come out of this are that we're clearly looking at some top notch players. Whether that in itself will be to our detriment, in that most of these players will want to play at a higher level, remains to be seen. But I think the fact we've already signed Cabeye is cause for optimism.
  16. He hasn't "turned us down", we haven't even spoken to him, let alone offered him the job. Read this: http://www.avfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10265~2374417,00.html Of course he turned you down, you made an official approach and he decided to stay at Wigan. He said he wanted to stick to his commitment to Wigan and didn't want to speak to us. Who knows if he'd even have been offered the job? I think you're clutching at straws on this one. You wanted to speak to him about the managers job and he made it clear he wasn't interested. I know. We wrote to Wigan ten days ago for permission. Who knows how many other people we're talking to? You make it sound like we offered him the job, when we didn't. He wants to stay at Wigan, fair play to him. To be honest, it's a bullet dodged in any case, as he should never even have been under consideration. Agree there, Brummie. Don't think Martinez is much cop to be honest. I think a good manager will always shine through even though he might not have the best team in the world to pick from. Coyle would be a good example - when managing Burnley. Was fully expecting Jol to be spoken to by Villa before he got the Fulham job.
  17. toon25


    Aren't they renowned for saying whatever they feel like? Didn't they claim we'd signed Bothroyd a couple of weeks ago? Pratley as well wasn't it?
  18. Cheeky bastards the bin dippers are. Spunking £20m on Henderson and then trying to get decent left-backs like Clichy and Jose on the cheap. Twunts.
  19. toon25


    Those responsible for scouting better have a fucking plan B - that's not Carlton cunting Cole. Does anyone else actually think they have one?
  20. Or Twatter Twiddle...
  21. Yes! Have been wracking my brains trying to think who he reminds me of! Anyway, not sure he's actually any better than Lua Lua or Ferguson really - I've been to watch Reading a fair few times last year and whilst he always looked decent, he never stood out as someone that could make it at a higher level.
  22. Any rumours as to who is 'plan B' if Gameiro goes to PSG?
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