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Everything posted by Astroblack

  1. Anyone else got a foggy view of the match? Everything seems blurry to me.
  2. Thought they were out of it, but they're back in. Hope City can do it!
  3. Astroblack

    Nile Ranger

  4. Astroblack


    Another reason why Liverpool were bombarding Chelsea's box with crosses was mainly due to the calamity of a keeper that Petr Cech has turned into! I think he caught about one ball all night. And with having someone as good as Fernando Torres on guard to pounce on any lose balls its a good tactic. Yes HTT, ideally what you've suggested is what we should be doing, but we have a mentality of giving it out to Duff and/or Jonas to do something with it. Jonas has probably put a handful of crosses in the box all season, while Duff seems to be scared of looking forward. But actually, Duff assisted Carroll's goal on the weekend with a hopeful punt back into the box! There you go. Another thing we miss is having a Tim Cahill-like player. Someone who takes a gamble and times his runs to perfection. I thought Nolan might of been the answer to our static and ultra-defensive midfield but he's clearly not. At max we only ever have 3 our players in or around the box.....again, at max. Sadly, our idea of 'crossing' from inner field positions is having Harper or a defender hoof it up the pitch towards Shola. The balls are either way off target/too high, or he cant be bothered his fat arse to move....and we just lose the ball again. Remember, his mistakes are all uncharacteristic. Total bullshit. No mate, your post there is bullshit! Andy Gray, Martin Tyler and Jamie Redknapp all have think he's going through a bad patch! Cop on and listen to them, man! True. Just today I climaxed when I heard Macheda's name, and it made me think of the way "Man Utd's academy keeps producing world-class talent". I concluded by agreeing that 2 20 minute cameos is enough evidence to make such a claim. [itv]GERRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fwap: :fwap: :fwap:[/itv] "TOP :fwap: FOUR :fwap: " Who would you expect them to go gaga over? The top 4 win a lot, they have the best players. on aire pundits/commentators rarely slam players. So don't expect them to say x player is shit. I dunno, though. I live in America, I don't get the coverage you do. I get Bobby McMahon. But why is you lot always hate almost everyone in the Prem? I love Newcastle United but I can admit when a player plays well.
  5. Yup. Fuck all the Euro trash teams. Prem FTW always.
  6. A win takes us out of the RZ on goal dfference. That's a huge boost to the lads. C'mon!
  7. Astroblack

    Nile Ranger

    Saw the press conference on BBC and Big Al said he'll be in the squad along with Carroll. Yay. Good to hear his name being said.
  8. http://eur.i1.yimg.com/eur.yimg.com/xp/yahoo_manual/20050929/10/2855462582.jpg
  9. Can't believe it. I wake up to this absolute shocker. I actually think we'll beat Chelski and there's no doubt we're staying in the Prem!
  10. This guy! http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_uPf3-oKaUkw/SIvNduy-4eI/AAAAAAAAAjc/ZcFMHNV7zb0/s320/bombay1.jpg
  11. Man U vs. Liverpool final for me. If Barca do win and Liverpool do also, it'll be a good game I'd be looking forward to seeing. I heard some Barca player says that they're afraid of playing Pool after what happened to Real.
  12. Good interview here. I hope they listen to the guy, he's right. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/n/newcastle_united/7948078.stm
  13. Oh okay. Hoping West Ham take this one for our sake. Normally BBC has that live Prem feature but not today for some reason.
  14. Is it me or did West Ham and West Brom not play this week?
  15. Got a feeling we'll win. Every year, a stuggling team beats a big 4 team. We'll get this somehow. Or we'll be thrashed 4-1.
  16. Thi the thread I was talking about. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,43010.msg926772.html#msg926772
  17. I swear toGod I will. Hold on, gimme a sec. Never searched on this forum before but I am 100 per cent sure someone said it.
  18. My favorite non NUFC player in the Prem ever. Even got his Man U shirt with his name on it. I remember a while back someone on here said he was overrated and never reached his potential and everyone agreed.
  19. GIGGS GIGGS GIGGS I know Rooney set it up and Ronny scored it, but the run by Giggs made it. Amazing team goal.
  20. Inter finally getting into it. Its a really even game now and I'm loving it. Got some notes from the game... Giggs needs to shoot, he seems scarred to. Zlatan has amazing control Zanetti still has it Viera is useless That Santon fella looks like he'll have an amazing future, as does Ballotelli(sp?) although he needs to put in some better set pieces.
  21. I love it when English sides win. Today was a good day.
  22. Chelski one up over Coventry. Drogba again. He's doing well with Gus.
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