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Everything posted by TooonDoom

  1. TooonDoom

    Papiss Cissé

    Why bother with a post like that? It's useless and not even remotely funny Why bother with a post like that? I don't give care what you think and not even remotely funny I take it back he was not dropped. Seems you football knowledge is better than mine. Apologies.
  2. TooonDoom

    Papiss Cissé

    Why bother with a post like that? It's useless and not even remotely funny Why bother with a post like that? I don't give care what you think and not even remotely funny
  3. TooonDoom

    Papiss Cissé

    I hope his reaction to being dropped is ok now best is back.
  4. What a nice position to be in where a quality player is coming back and we're in no rush for him to play.
  5. TooonDoom

    Alan Pardew

    Wherever we end up this year well done pardew. He's not without faults but what has really impressed me is: Not falling out with players ( should be a given but take note souness and keegan) Making players earn a place on the pitch. Players know if they earn it and do well they keep it. Taylor, perch, Simpson all playing above themselves due to this. His control of Ben arfa. Again he made him earn his place on the pitch. Look what we have now. Not allowing a negativity to take over when decisions/player loss went against us. How we performed during the African nations and when players picked up knocks has been outstanding. Carroll out cisse in. I was gutted when Carroll left even at 35 million. Over the moon now! Not convinced how much of these were him mind. Keeping control of his strop when we did not get a striker in the summer. Thank you pardew for allowing us to enjoy our football again and put all the protest/negativity/ownership issues behind us.
  6. TooonDoom

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I can stop watching the goal. On top of the unbelievable skill what makes it one of the best goals I have seen is the point in the game it was scored. At 0-0 it won us the game. Too many goals like this are cherry on the cake goals to make it 3/4-0. It reminds me of the feeling when shearer scored that goal against everton. On a side note I think, after the goal, the ref should have booked Davies and pottentially the defender at the edge of the box for their blantent hacks.
  7. Think I'd rather watch wimbledon of old rather than Swansea. Passing for passing sake. Create nothing.
  8. TooonDoom

    Papiss Cissé

    I wouldn't go that far, but 5 in 6 since he joined, you can't argue with. Cole would have needed 3-4 times as many chances to get that many goals.
  9. Three really nice goals. First one I thought was offside real time. Well done linesman.
  10. Yeah. Mike Dean hasn't refereed bigger games than that before. It was a penalty every day of the week. Get over it. He did alright but... Missed a penalty for us (handball). Booked cabaye baseed on player reactions.
  11. these pundits saying tiote exagerated?? wtf that was a back fist, i knocked people out with that punch. Well actually it was exaggerated, it took him about three seconds before he hit the ground. no it didnt, you're too busy watching the slow mo replay. watch it in real time. Lol
  12. Have espn totally missed the fist on the red card? Plus tiote jaw wobbling?
  13. QFT Closed out the game in the second half in a manner that I was relaxed watching "noocastle" at 1-0 for the first time in my life.
  14. Agreed. We were playing pretty well until we scored and could not kill the game for 10 mins. Pretty much no threat from Liverpool and was always a threat for us to score on break. Second half need to kill the game again and frustrate Liverpool and the ground and hope for a chance or two to fall our way.
  15. What was the song they were singing to come by ya my lord? It sounded somewhat like "she said no bramble... She said no... She said no bramble... She said no"
  16. Dracula. Couldn't handle a cross. Not as awful as Hooper, tho. Sooopa hooper
  17. On my 2 cents... I don't think Pardew is to blame today I think the players are. In the first half we were excellent and only bad luck stopped us coming in with a lead. Second half the players stopped playing to the plan and started getting desperate for the goal and started playing a longer game, looking for the killer ball. This gave Swansea more chances for possession and every time they had their minute of passing the ball around when we got it back, again we were more frustrated and stopped playing our game. Ben Arfa is debatable but I think Pardew looks longer term than most on here. Just got to look at Rtaylor. He kept his place as he earned it. He was keeping a better player (probably) out of the team but he kept the shirt as it was his. I think something similar is going on with Ben Arfa.
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