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Everything posted by TooonDoom

  1. I'm guessing this is what Man Utd fans felt like when we got a point there.
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/16094950.stm last paragraph. If the bBC are going to try to play the accuracy card this last paragraph is bull s***. Taylor has actually Been imPressive at st James park this season..... and one game at the sports direct arena.
  3. TooonDoom


    On the face of it things seem a lot brighter for them since sacking Bruce. There are pretty good managers wanting the job. When we are in this situation it seems like a parade of managers ruling themselves out of the opportunity to work with our board. I think the vast majority of us would have been happier with oneil than pardew.
  4. TooonDoom

    Alan Pardew

    he needs to learn who "United" are though.
  5. So given that we are still 4th and have played the top three does that mean that we are only there due to easy fixtures?
  6. Just stopped cheering from our result put the sunderland stream on to see them throw it away. :frantic:
  7. TooonDoom

    St James' Park

    We're not called 'Northern Rock', based on what's on our strip. Are we? we're not called sports direct FC either. no-one complained when the stands were re named. No, but the stadium will be referred to as 'Sports Direct Arena', on TV and in the media. That's my point, which you knew, of course. but the people that matter will still call it SJP. unfortunatly the people that matter, if they want to wear the clubs colours have to advertise some other company. I don't know what you're getting at. Do you just want an argument? Because I can't be arsed. nope, just pointing out apparent double standards as i honestly can't see why one is seen as terrible and the other tolerated if not encouraged. It's a bloody terrible analogy,you're comparing micro details to macro details. it's more a question of being honest. the name change will actually have less effect than the shirt sponsorship. think match days. no-one outside the media will use the name, you don't say in the pub "what time are we going up to St James' park ?" but you can't help but notice the sponsorship on every single top. the only thing with the shirt sponsorship is that A) people have become accustomed to it, and B) we weren't the first major club to do it. honesty? being honest about your own subjective opinion you mean? your whole post is based on the assumption that everyone's annoyance with the name change is based on how many times they might hear or speak the name of the stadium. mine certainly isn't, it's based on the fact that the name of the stadium has been officially changed, that's bad enough for me to hate it no matter how many times i have to hear or speak it. Why so upset? It's only had the previous name for about a year...
  8. Could the council name the area /street that the ground is onto st James park? Just thinking along the lines of west ham. Half the time people refer to their ground as upton park.
  9. TooonDoom

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    What is an average display for somebody who comes on with 18 minutes to go in a game we're winning 2-1? Someone who does very little wrong apart from giving away an odd free kick, plays fairly well and takes pressure off us when others around him are struggling.
  10. I'd add a rule. Player closest to the ball going out has to take the throw in. Left back running across the pitch to take throw in on right wing is insane.
  11. TooonDoom

    Ryan Taylor

    Jordon Henderson says otherwise Yeah, but at least Jordan Henderson (wrongly) had hype Raylor doesn't even have that. then lets start the hype machine Raylor for England Nah man, Capello doesn't pick Newcastle players That's cause they're all French.
  12. TooonDoom

    Shola Ameobi

    Well done shola. Cracking twenty minutes.
  13. TooonDoom


    Same old makems always cheating.
  14. TooonDoom


    Lol. That's pretty funny, its one the better threads I have seen on there.
  15. TooonDoom


    There is an element of truth in that but on the flip side our handling of carrol's adventures led us to getting 35 million quid to reinvest (haha). That may not have happened the situations ha been handled differently.
  16. TooonDoom

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He scored more goals for us than Rooney. QED.
  17. Having "Newcastle united" in the middle of it all really spoils the effect. They should pull that bit down.
  18. It would not have looked quite so s**** if he'd just used a slightly smaller font for the advert. Maybe the size of the .com bit. At least then the focus would have been on "Newcastle United".
  19. Carroll is going to succeed. This is something we are going to have to live with. The current period is the Andy cole phase at man utd when he suffered from shin splints and we were all smug thinking he'd never win fuck all.
  20. Whats the story with the player bonus's that Pardew sorted out? Keeps popping its head out...
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