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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Why would they it's not in there interests. There will be a few noises in the Chronicle and the Shields Gazette but thats about it.
  2. There are next no steps, It's game over man. People need to see that as long as we live in this version of capatlism, where nothing but consumers of a product. Until that product start's to devalue and become toxic nothing willl change.
  3. He knew fuck all for a long time and yet people were hanging on to his every tweet. So many mugs on here, and out of here, wasted their time, energy and effort on following this takeover far too deeply and far too attached to it. Mugs, really. Why call fellow fans who have invested some much time and passion in the club over the years. They seen a glimmer of hope and got attached so what no harm done really. Coming on a forum to call them names is just plain stupid at this time or any time. Just let them pass you by wobble your head if thats how you feel don't be an arse by calling them mugs. Good post Cheers Post like his annoy me more than the shite in the press
  4. He knew fuck all for a long time and yet people were hanging on to his every tweet. So many mugs on here, and out of here, wasted their time, energy and effort on following this takeover far too deeply and far too attached to it. Mugs, really. Why call fellow fans who have invested some much time and passion in the club over the years. They seen a glimmer of hope and got attached so what no harm done really. Coming on a forum to call them names is just plain stupid at this time or any time. Just let them pass you by wobble your head if thats how you feel don't be an arse by calling them mugs.
  5. Read the bbc and mirror articles Do I want to? Would ignorance be bliss? The latter tbh
  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/53598846 They say they would have invested not only in the club, but also England's north-east region, and put the blame at the door of the Premier League. But with so much conjecture over human rights, plus television rights piracy concerns, league officials may be privately relieved the consortium has withdrawn its interest. Many Newcastle United fans will no doubt see it very differently.
  7. If True i'm not that suprised tbh, We should all know by now what type of business cunt he is.
  8. This was during covid and the threat there would be no football/money. Its back now so no reason to sell imo Football won't be back this year, there is no chance of fans getting into the Stadium once the 2nd wave hits
  9. Hadn't seen the full statement or read that before. PL have proper fucked us like. Qatar, Liverpool and others aswell by the looks of it
  10. It's not about some forum victory you goofball - it was pure, blind, uncritical optimism to think this deal was ever getting approved. Saudis vs Qataris and you think the PL are siding with the group that have stolen from them on an industrial scale over the side that's put hundreds of millions in their pockets? Time for some on here to reflect why they couldn't see what was staring them in the face. I'm deleting my account now so don't care but can I just be the first to say fuck of you absolute cunt and I hope you have years with Ashley you prick That's no way to go on. You won't be missed. Perma ban has long been needed tbh
  11. Might not need to wait that long if she wins the Barclays court case, October could be an interesting month.
  12. The fun thing will be seeing Master's moving onto his next hatchet Job once his interim roll is over at the EPL
  13. Good. Footballs fucked, has been for years riding a huge over inflated bubble. The pandemic will see it off. For years fans have been fucked over by the EPL and Sky, it's about time if your honest with yourself
  14. Don't worry guys, with the 2nd pandemic wave on it's way and no fans in the stadium the EPL will struggle and the bubble will burst. Hopefully taking Ashley with it.
  15. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting of fellow communists down at Maximo Park
  16. The letter that wasn't a publicity stunt, but they felt the need to publicly announce they sent it? Well yes - you don't engage a leading football law barrister to make legal arguments on your behalf in favour of something - and then when he tells you that releasing copies of letters would undermine his correspondence and their impact rendering the exercise pointless- just ignore him and release it all for a few likes on Twitter. Maybe not but do you agree it's done more damage than good to NUST
  17. Yeah all a bit weird this. How can they possibly be so far down the line and not know the structure of the ownership. I understand people saying the buyers obviously are not supplying the right answers but sure to god they would've just rejected this if after 3/4 months they havnt had a simple answer to this. If it couldn't even get past the basic structure of the takeover why even entertain anything else Was that not before Master took up his postion ? Noticed aswell that he only holds a interim postion at the PL
  18. No not really, there basing it on the very few leaks and negative news snippets, WTO reports Murder fiances and every twat that wants this to fail along with the fact that a 4 week process is now heading into week 16+
  19. Agree.. it's over. Good grief !!! The opposite of the reality. None of our three new owners will give up on this. Even more so now, after all this crap they've been made to go through. It is simply, as always, a matter of WHEN. (as you know, I thought this would be yesterday, ah well . . . ) You don't have a clue and are just spouting your opnion based on a finger in the air guess. You really need to stop, so much false hope created on nothing more than thin air. Cheers Pal
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