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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. Which most of the time he isn’t (love him btw) frustrating as fook when he’s trying to take 11 men on with no spacial awareness of who’s around him. On the upside we’ll have new signings to lift our mood going into the Watford game. Trippier breath of fresh air. Oh and no Extra games to risk a fragile 11 to injuries. full steam ahead to 17th place
  2. Oh the joys of now being able to spunk “a few mill, here or there” Hey isn’t the transfer window brilliaaaaaaant.
  3. Don’t forget the cymbals Phoenix Nights styley
  4. Him and Big Joe bossing the dressing room. Proper “shape up or ship out” mentality to be instilled
  5. Like field of dreams. Sing it and and he’ll come. Crowd to seal the deal tomorrow
  6. And they’ll only get better and more efficient
  7. Anything “over the line” yet?
  8. Is this good for us shithousery? ??
  9. Chorley FM “coming in your ears” ?
  10. £157,000 per year I read somewhere ??‍♂️
  11. You have to earn it! Basically “shape up, or ship out”
  12. “I think this will send me over the edge with this team. If we lose this and their ****ing weird fans are celebrating with their headdress garb on taking the piss out of the league like they do; I want a ****ing written apology from every one of our first team. Lose this and he has to go.”
  13. Norovirus! Shitting themselves at the prospect of facing Howe’s Newcastle
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