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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. ?? Also Let’s not forget what this same squad (most of them) could/did do under Rafa. I’m hoping for muscle memory effect and Eddie is resetting them ????? Very impressed with him so far, although Bruce turd standards are no hard act to follow. Howe-ay the Lads
  2. Read that as “quids in ‘ere” ? ? ?
  3. Surely it’s Riverside Manhattan? “Warriors, come out to play-ee-ay”
  4. Cue Nick DM tweets of airplane shaped bread bakes!
  5. Saving him for the Brentford home game and SD signage tear down.
  6. ? Whereas Bruce would have noshed all the bread rolls, flakes of pastry on his gargantuan chin. Howe things have turned out
  7. Yes he’ll be collecting up the bread rolls to demonstrate some “zonal” manoeuvres across the table
  8. “Standing on the runway waiting to takeoff “ ?
  9. “I have to admit it’s getting better, getting so much better all the time” Onwards and Upwards! This is going to be some journey ???
  10. “Steve Bruce should feel ashamed” https://www.themag.co.uk/2021/11/steve-bruce-should-feel-ashamed/ ?
  11. Guys a bit of a cock! Allegedly. Coat getting……
  12. ? think somebody said his surname means rooster? “The surname Galletti is a name for a person with some of the attributes associated with a bird, such as a fine voice or sexual prowess. The name, which was also very popular in Spain during the Middle Ages, is derived from the Latin word Gallus which means rooster.” well who’d have thunk it! ?
  13. Huntington’s onset can be very much later life. Let’s hope this wonderful woman can achieve her and our dreams with Newcastle United before & if it has any debilitating effect.
  14. He’s the ?ne. ?????????????????? Onwards and upwards
  15. When he talks, we’ll want to listen. Only a few had us enthused to do this. I’m so happy he’s here, and although he cannot make certain promises, I believe in him. Welcome Eddie Howe and thank you.
  16. And let’s not forget PIF aren’t even at the takeover table anymore nonsense! Onwards and upwards
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