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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. It feels like every journo under the sun is suddenly tweeting positive things based purely on the piracy stuff that came out yesterday. I'm not convinced, still, that any of them have any information. Yeah I'm sort of leaning that way a bit. Feels like they've made the same connection fans have to the piracy news, not necessarily heard anything. But I'd love to be wrong What other connection could there be though? This may be quite negative, but what if they have intially failed the tests? And this tougher stance on piracy and buying up shares in BT etc. Is a sort of look at us cleaning up our act. Prem looks better for denying it in light of quite obvious issues, Saudi go away and do all the necessary changes for a smoother process for prem etc. Like I say, pretty wild and negative outlook but too many times have we seen every reporter jump on any any bit of news and the deal was as good as signed months ago. "Go away, tidy up your act, we'll let you buy Man United next year". That type of thing? We may as well join the jock league if that happens
  2. Anyone else do throw ins on bet 365 on the bet builders. Only on tv games like
  3. Alfy Peanuts from westerhope He still going
  4. So let's all do nowt and carry on funding it! Not for me no thanks I cant do fuck all to change it though. As much as I'd like to think I can. Dare I say it, even if we had been taken over the atmosphere still would have been shit half the time That's just the way I look at football as a whole thesedays . Just need to look at man city's support tbh
  5. The atmosphere today sounded shit The atmosphere last season was 99% shit Its modern day football and it's a club that's stuck in a depression.
  6. Football is a lot more popular than it was in the 80s and it is attracted to a wider more varied audience. In the 80s it was mainly a sport attended by young men. Now its families, women kids etc. The more militant types then probably wouldn't be Welcome thesedays. It's ok sitting on the internet slagging fuck out of everyone but it's not going to change fuck all. Stop worrying about what other people do. They arent killing the club by going to the game. Mike Ashley is killing it stone dead and there is nowt anyone can do about it
  7. I have seen pictures of the corner and sections of it at the back were deserted. Top of the gallowgate. Them the leazes behind the goal and level 7...
  8. It was alot emptied than people are saying imo. 41k I reckon. Which by standards of usual that is quite a gap
  9. Who gives a toss who it made angry. Had a good day with your little lad. That's what matters
  10. It has gone way to far on here and on twitter with the name calling of people going to the match. Seen some fella getting stick for taking his kid to the game yesterday. Ridiculous I would like to know the percentage of people on here who went to the game A. Before Ashley B. During Ashley Bet less than half are not regular match going fans I wont be going to the Arsenal game for the record
  11. Fatha played ice hockey very high standard There uncle is Alan Thompson pro footballer There other uncle posted on skunkers The toughest of the 3 is definitely posting on skunkers
  12. "Rafa might have cost the joelinton deal" Who gives a fuck about joelinton man. Trying to use him as a point scorer Bizarre how obsessed they are with it like.
  13. I think he's too dignified to get in a slanging match, he'll just say something cryptic about the fans knowing the truth and leave it at that. Nah his dignity is in question (not to us who know) but to the bellends outside. He needs an "exclusive" to put the cunt right
  14. The one thing I take from all of that That Joelinton deal is dodgy as fuck
  15. Who cares? Everything he says is bollocks This, i couldn't think of anything worse on a Friday night than reading that. When the cunt is silent for long. Hearing a load of his bullshit is music to my ears
  16. Wallpaper money innit Seriously though. What does this mean to the cunt?
  17. Top 3 would have done me
  18. The fans had a part to play in the first part of that tbf. Second part was ridiculous
  19. jack j


    Can only be backhanders going on here
  20. The blokes a fucking arsehole Another one who needs a slap. Give him an hour and he will be talking about being in the gallowgate in 1991
  21. In Ashley's world the longer they drag it on for even better for him. Dream summer so far
  22. Metro centre with the wife and 2 toddlers every Saturday
  23. https://twitter.com/EmptyForAshley/status/1149648223432142850?s=19
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