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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. Fucksake he is obviously taking the piss out of ashley.
  2. Well black friday it is The day we realise there is no takeover. And we are stuck with Ashley for a long time yet. Steve Bruce appointed manager after having in place a great bloke who had ambition and passion for the club Today is a dark day in the history of NUFC
  3. Sick of seeing shit like hes a good bloke etc etc. When he was in charge of the cunts he was nowt but a bitter bastard. At least we might find out what song he had lined up
  4. Downsie and Graves loving this. Pair of arseholes
  5. Mad thing is how many people believe this shit. Fuck my life man
  6. Nah hes just a bitter little cunt who needs a slap next tune hes up here for a "talk in"
  7. Mark douglas and the Chronicle have spoken. Couldn't double source it so decided to ignore it
  8. There'll be clickbait all over the place amongst some pro-Ashley articles tomorrow. The type of things I was expecting today but has been fuck all. Strange
  9. Anyone else find it bizarre the chronicle are just totally ignoring it all
  10. Has there been any official statements? Or is it all just leaks through the media?
  11. Cant stand the cunt but it is bizarre how some fucker who does the news on the local radio stations releasing statements ffs
  12. Imagine Steve and Karen putting a statement on Twitter from a local billionaire looking to buy Dubai United. How the fuck is Otis Redding the main man in statements ffs
  13. Mebbes in the 80s when you would have got kicked out and that would be the end of it. Thesedays you would be getting your door hammered down at 7am with 20 riot polis steaming in shitting the bairn up whilst they eat their coco pops A trip to court. A criminal record. Banned for life and if your work is that way inclined a trip to the dole.
  14. Aye the usual Sunday specials be out soon
  15. Newcastle took from 2009 to 2025. Top trumps us
  16. Take it that's the kid of here. Speaking alright. Canny posh like
  17. Scousers cant ever be trusted. Fact of life that
  18. Think you're the idiot pal. There is about 2 posts on the parody. Wraiths own Twitter is full of itself as per usual
  19. Obviously I hope I'm wrong, but literally nothing happens in Arab countries on Fridays. It's their holy day, and they take that incredibly seriously. Getting anyone to work on a Friday is like trying to get people in the UK to work on Christmas day. Every cunt in on double time and a day in lieu then?
  20. Not surprised he's caused ructions but asking for a quid back is a bit pathetic. More of a removal of membership. So he can stop tweeting his magic numbers inspired by Jimmy 5 belies and Chelsea hooligans
  21. Well thanks to Mr Wraith the things went down the shitter. People demanding their money back already.
  22. Only way I'd pay me quid is if I could vote that cunt off the board
  23. He is an attention seeking prick so it's no wonder people are "obsessed" about him. Ever since the NUST has came back into the light all I have seen is him and his opinions
  24. Nee idea why but today a believe its gonna happen again after 3 weeks of thinking its gone
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