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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. I think the brackets with Mhardysport is the clue mind. Get yourself another WhatsApp sent
  2. everyone’s on tenterhooks man. Hyper vigilant as fuck and frayed nerves all over the place. Of course people are getting stressed. Social media and internet forums are the last places you should be looking for reliable info
  3. It's the people getting all stressed about it I dont understand. Some random cunt on here isnt gonna know fuck all. The previous 150 pages should tell you that.
  4. Boris Johnson quitting the leadership race
  5. Standard practice apparently. Yet more nosey cunts on twitter thinking they are breaking the news to the masses
  6. And you know this how? About 10 days ago the first claims of it being imminent were made. Still fuck all and doesnt look like there is going to be fuck all anytime soon!
  7. Crazy thing is loads ripped the likes of Mark Douglas to shreds for sayingnits nowhere near completion. Theyve been right.
  8. So it's nowhere near being done like they claimed? Hmmm Goalposts change every day. Sound like the dentist
  9. Nah can’t be staveley, Steve wraith would have mentioned it
  10. What was it before like Mark Douglas latest piece saying it's a million miles away
  11. On the other hand if FCB does dither to long and Rafa goes, little if any recruitment. If BZG pull out next season will likely be a disaster with relegation a likelihood. I doubt we’d bounce straight back up. Ashley certainly wouldn’t get £350 million for the club and I could see us in the champo for a good few years. Perfectly described as to factors which point to an imminent takeover - looks like a win - win for all concerned Too many small signs happening pointing in the same direction ... if Mike Ashley has made you paranoid whilst being understandable it is clouding your judgement. Take a step back and breathe in the 'fresh takeover air' Hes that daft that he might just think he can employ a cheap option and keep us up so he can carry on milking the club. Gambler ain't he
  12. Should know by a week on Friday a reckon
  13. What does being in advanced negotiations mean? Also if it could take weeks to complete a deal then whats the point of doing a deal if there is little time to find another and sign players. Tbh I'd let the whole thing roll on Til September and start the season with the same squad and Benitez if we could guarantee new owners
  14. The media embargo must be in place for Caulkin
  15. Does this cunt ever fix people's teeth. Full time takeover spouter
  16. Thanks Is your profile pic on Twitter ole gunnar solskjaer
  17. Nowt worse than NUFC fans calling them cunts united
  18. Surely it's great news If hes a United fan...oh u mean man u fan.. ffs
  19. Chris Mort? Dont think he deserves to be lumped in with the rest of them cunts
  20. How come takeovers of other clubs never seem to take this long How do you know this? We only found out about this a couple of weeks ago man. Even if other clubs don't take 'this long', they aren't owned by Mike Ashley. Imagine trying to undo all of his tentacles man, assuming it doesn't fall through due to how tight of a hold he has on us after 12 years, it's going to take forever to negotiate everything. So it's on then?
  21. How come takeovers of other clubs never seem to take this long
  22. The original journo who broke the story
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