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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. Too late Just read it. Probably going to be a fake company some sad act has set up
  2. Howay then Whar does all this mean
  3. Can understand both points of view on this subject tbh, as someone who’s lived with an alcoholic/recovering alcoholic, sends your emotions all over the shop
  4. These are a load of bullshitters 100%
  5. Need their hard drives checked them fuckers. Absolute state of them knocks me sick
  6. Cos he is an attention seeking gobshite. He was all over the staveley stuff cos for some reason she was sat beside him at a game. Hope it comes out she was a proper chancer. He needs to get back to promoting boxing shows in school gyms thinking hes Eddie hearn. Or mebbes lick the arse of a well known family up here again Zzzzzz what a prick he is
  7. This nufc360 is a noisy kernt isnt he.
  8. Caulkin knows nowt. Said as much himself A few others could do with taking a leaf out of his book
  9. It was a UAE private jet. It's an old picture though
  10. Picture knocking around of a private jet at Newcastle
  11. Whys Friday a big day? That Twitter account was fake. And the plane rumours are bollocks arent they?
  12. Why wait till 5pm ffs. Just post it now you cunts. Expect something like Ellias Sorensen named in Denmark under 21 squad
  13. Now now Dont go down the Steve wraith I told you so route.
  14. Gallowgate end killing this thread dead
  15. Like to see them get past proof of funds Seen on the 17th April according to them...pfft Con men
  16. If it's a nice day I'll take the wheatsheaf side. You can take dinnington
  17. Luke Edward's piling in now Smarmy pricks the lot of them. All thrive off it. And couldn't give a toss
  18. Because I'm a sad cunt, who was also interested tbf, that's looked it up it's because of capacity issues at Dubai due to them upgrading their runways. Glad to be of service. Haha cheers
  19. Our of interest done Anyone know why the Emirates flight doesnt run 7 days a week from Newcastle now?
  20. Latest is it's not expected to be done til after June hahahahaha
  21. S W*a*th absolutely loving this on twitter
  22. Fun while it lasted anyway
  23. Was it Dave Kitson saying we had been sold the other week He got some shit if I remember right
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