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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. Nee idea why but today a believe its gonna happen again after 3 weeks of thinking its gone
  2. How come hes the voice of it now? Stupid bald cunt
  3. Fuck me. Lee Ryder is fucking pathetic. What a shithouse of a man
  4. Fucking hell he should have stayed here
  5. Nearly dinner time there now. ?
  6. I see Wraith is being a dick already. They need to get shot of that cunt if they want anyone to take them seriously. Why is it all these fan spokesmen are knobheads?
  7. Peter Kenyons band of merry men
  8. The BZG have no power to ”keep” him. It’s against the PRL rules (I recently read). Officially so aye But am sure he could have been informed unofficially..hoo rafa sign on the dotted line. And we will sort you down the line...
  9. Not if they want their own man. I just cant see this being the case myself like
  10. Surely if there was any chance of this group taking over Benitez would have been hanging g around if it was going to be anytime soon
  11. This whole cans crack is cringeworthy as fuck
  12. Hope that's true and hope he rips him to shreds. In fact I hope its posted on his Twitter page at midnight.
  13. Man talking shite on the internet shocker
  14. Funny as fuck this like, people playing along as well, bravo bravo
  15. You’re right, the quicker we hit rock bottom, the quicker we can unite and come back together, I’ve felt this way before in the Ashley regime, then Rafa came...that’s why I hope he announces some utter clown like monk or Pullis, someone everyone will unite against
  16. One game won’t help, you need to Chuck it full stop, no point anybody organising anything it just results in division and anger between the fans, if you can look yourself in the mirror and be happy to hand over money to Mike Ashley united then carry on.
  17. Still stag doo season and summer trips away? Are the students still away then. That's something I suppose
  18. Wonder if he spoke to that ginger cunt Jan. Sounds far too polite for her though
  19. Ashley doesnt want to sell. It doesnt matter what they are up too!
  20. Anyone who cares about their reputation wouldn't take it However there are 10s of middle of the road arse lickers queuing up to take it. Sherwood Hughes monk etc etc
  21. Think there is a problem pal Michael Ashley doesnt want to sell to them.
  22. The only thing keeping me clinging on is the fact I know he will die one day. Might be before me but me kidsand even grandkids will get to see the great day
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