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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. Saying as no one had the answer in the ticket thread, has anyone who bought a ticket for this not recieved a loyalty point
  2. Is everyone going to be happy with the 500 away ticket allocations? I am over the moon myself
  3. Only right if we get 500 tickets for future away games due to persistent standing, leaving the away tickets as a closed shop Would suit me down to the ground that would.
  4. jack j

    Pardew Patter

    Then he will have to repay his casino debts, ne chance of that happening
  5. jack j

    Bryan Ruiz

    f*** off. Is there any n f*** off. Is there any need!!!?? Any need for you to act like a mackem prick? No there isn't. Mackem prick? Give over mate, we aren't going to sign anyone. Ashley is a w***** who gets his kick out of fooling the fools Yeah a mackem prick, don't see why a Newcastle fan would take such pleasure in fellow fans having their last hopes dashed. Yeh a mackem prick who was dancing around the stadium of light 11 days ago very good mate
  6. jack j

    Bryan Ruiz

    f*** off. Is there any n f*** off. Is there any need!!!?? Any need for you to act like a mackem prick? No there isn't. Mackem prick? Give over mate, we aren't going to sign anyone. Ashley is a wanker who gets his kick out of fooling the fools
  7. jack j

    Bryan Ruiz

    f*** off. Is there any n f*** off. Is there any need!!!??
  8. jack j

    Bryan Ruiz

    :lol: People believed it? :lol:
  9. jack j

    Bryan Ruiz

    The sad thing is most do Dekka and Ashley laughing their tits off at us
  10. jack j

    Bryan Ruiz

    Anybody else reckon that Dekka and Cuntley are sitting in some seedy little apartment somewhere smoking cigars laughing theirr tits off at the people who believe this shit ssn show
  11. jack j

    Bryan Ruiz

    People actually believe this bullshit!! Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!! the fools still being fooled from fat mike
  12. jack j

    Bryan Ruiz

    Gerrin another winger just what
  13. Fucking hell we can't even afford a plumber
  14. Well never in the world, did people think we would sign anyone? hahaha
  15. Where is David the cunt craig today, never seen him on SSN yet
  16. I've heard we are signing necunt, is he any good?
  17. Nutter/ Eg Joey Barton has just stubbed a cigar out in that kids eye........he's a fucking radgie him like
  18. jack j

    Players in public

    Just seen Gregg from Geordie shore in eldon square, who is a big lad considering he's the one who didn't bother with the weights.
  19. General consensus (in Italian and English press) is that he's flying in for a medical and should sign tomorrow. What about Pieters, i thought he was flying into sign aswell? That roux character aswell, i still don't think we will sign anyone
  20. Who have we signed or going to sign over the next 2 days then?
  21. Around £20 max hopefully, any ideas on when they announce what date the fixtures on
  22. What day to people think this will be on? Can only go if it's the wednesday or thursday When's it announced?
  23. jack j

    Joey Barton

    Back to being the horrible vermin scouse fuckwit again now. Enjoy stubbing some ciggies out in warnocks eye
  24. Think it was Cabaye. Makes a change seeing the majority of them come over. Sounds petty, but I used to get so wound up at away games when players like Duff, Owen, Geremi etc used to just trudge off without even acknowleding the away support Aye but then they get accused of being happy clappers like Stevie Taylor, can't win really can they.
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