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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. Can´t see that being true mate, they wouldnt get any on the trips otherwise
  2. Anyone know, reckon, guess that 80 points will be enough
  3. If you look like the person on the passport ya might get away with it, if not your faacked
  4. Hopefully this is the case, but i think it will be the case of matching ticket up with passport on the day
  5. Did you have to be a season ticket holder last time round? Honestly can't remember. Yes they got the first choice as they do(should) now, there wasnt a membership system then though but i would imagine the majority of tickets went to ST anyway with little left for others. Was ways round that though, didn't have to show your passport to get the ticket or did you? Thats at the Maritimo end not ours. Also depending on demand it may be open to members in a tiny timeframe. Aye but in years gone by you could use a mates season ticket to order a ticket for a pal without a season ticket, now to collect this ticket you have to match your passport with this form NUFC are giving you to collect the ticket. Aye and like i said thats not the clubs doing its Maritimo/uefa's. And how do you know if the voucher you get has your name on? Doesnt it say you have to turn up between 1-5 tomorrow to collect a voucher? They may just hand it to you preprinted. I don't know that it will have your name on it mate, just presuming it will and will have to match up to the passport, otherwise no point in showing your passport really?
  6. Did you have to be a season ticket holder last time round? Honestly can't remember. Yes they got the first choice as they do(should) now, there wasnt a membership system then though but i would imagine the majority of tickets went to ST anyway with little left for others. Was ways round that though, didn't have to show your passport to get the ticket or did you? Thats at the Maritimo end not ours. Also depending on demand it may be open to members in a tiny timeframe. Aye but in years gone by you could use a mates season ticket to order a ticket for a pal without a season ticket, now to collect this ticket you have to match your passport with this form NUFC are giving you to collect the ticket.
  7. Did you have to be a season ticket holder last time round? Honestly can't remember. Yes they got the first choice as they do(should) now, there wasnt a membership system then though but i would imagine the majority of tickets went to ST anyway with little left for others. Was ways round that though, didn't have to show your passport to get the ticket or did you?
  8. Anybody without season tickets won't be getting a ticket for europe this season then, shitter
  9. What's the craic with a season ticket holder getting a ticket for someone else, i have over 100 points on mine but my mate is going to get another pal a ticket for the brugge game, will there be any bother in getting the ticket to my other pal?
  10. Direct from Newcastle, where you booking that from?
  11. What price dya reckon for that like mate?
  12. How much to get to them 3 games then!!!
  13. What will be the ideal/cheapest scenario for travelling fans? How much would a flight to lyon be for example
  14. I seen him yesterday, alot taller than he looks on the pitch, he had a full length white gown on with sandals, white framed glasses and his big mohican, he likes to stay under the radar does cheick...
  15. jack j


    Brucie what was your song
  16. Jesus wept! great scenes!!!!!!? what the fuck. As for the tribute it's abit scouse to me. A minutes silence would of been right in my eyes, and hopefully he would be left to peace..
  17. jack j

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,91004.0.html cheers
  18. Nah they're just not as zany as the spastics associated with NUFC Embarrassing
  19. Nail on head ,i cannot afford to go anymore but next season going halves with a mate (7 years since last season ticket) and watch it in a pub/club there is a lot of passion from working class people who i have no doubt including myself want to stand . Save your money pal, not worth it
  20. The difference is the generation who grew up standing have been priced out the game and go to the local and watch the match. The lack of passion inside SJP now tells everything you need to know about the type of people who go to football now
  21. Football is a middle class sport now, no doubt about it. Sadly this means the atmosphere at the match is piss poor, go into the 100's of pubs/social clubs etc on Tyneside on a matchday and you will see 100x the passion in them than at SJP Very sad to see Thankfully away games still have that buzz but in the very near future i can see them being diluted. Football has gone from it's roots, all the working class lads. forget it...
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