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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. Aye? 5 Players from the french league? Not really got a clue about french football myself, barely heard of any of the linked players.... Someone do a football manager style post for where they would fit in the team. Krul Debuchy Mbiwa Williamson Haidara Obertan Sissoko Cabaye Gouffran Cisse Shola Nice one, are they all going to sign though, yes? Ahh thats good then.
  2. Aye? 5 Players from the french league? Not really got a clue about french football myself, barely heard of any of the linked players.... Someone do a football manager style post for where they would fit in the team.
  3. If we have any up and coming young lads, please take yourself to nandos now and make a name for yourself, cheers.
  4. jack j

    Loïc Remy

    So that stupid cunt sheth hasn't a clue what he is on about then. Football/transfer windows are shite lapped up by mongs
  5. jack j

    Loïc Remy

    Did people think he would actually join?
  6. People who think we are going to sign 3 or 4 players need to be locked up in a padded cell, we might sign one if we are lucky.
  7. Sack the manager that always does the trick with NUFC doesn't it :D
  8. 6 goals in 2 games against 2 of the big guns, still no points. Going to be mentally screwed for the rest of the season now.
  9. Just been speaking to a Man Utd fan who has used this pegasus airways, he reckons they are abit micky mouse and are known to fuck about with schedules without notice etc...
  10. Arrive thursday waiting 7 hours on the way out, 2 and a half hours on the way home
  11. Just looked and the flight from istanbul gets in at 14.55...Don't a load of there games kick off at like 5pm local time?
  12. have you booked this up? Yep Same here what hotel you in? Haven't booked yet, waiting till the old man gets in. Plenty of cheap ones with reasonable reviews it seems. Mirax boutique £57
  13. have you booked this up? Yep Same here what hotel you in?
  14. ''The undertaker'' We have some right characters who follow us still. Gave alot to NUFC throughout the years i bet.
  15. Is it definately him that's died though?? The photo released looks nowt like the kid i remember! Yep it's him. Turned abit crazy last year or 2 apparently. Very sad though. RIP
  16. Indeed, just seen the news on the chronicle website. What the hell happened to him, he looks like a tramp on the picture.
  17. jack j

    Pardew Out?

    Is Ashley popular on here thesedays? I can't keep up, i rarely post though tbf..Giz a clue?
  18. jack j

    Pardew Out?

    What's that i can here? The sound of fans all over the country laughing at our daft fans. PATHETIC
  19. How are people getting to bordeaux? Assume there won't be as many going to that one!
  20. I thought that was because people were over the moon he was coming off, he was torturing us...
  21. Anybody got home tickets give me a pm, mate is one short
  22. Didn't they say not to book travel/hotel before getting a ticket, on the app form it states any fan without travel/accomodation plans won't get a ticket CLOWNS
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