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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. Half time the bloke beside me lit up a tab he was right on the segregation line near the copper, never even said out to him
  2. that pic is class, just shows our fans looking and laughing at them, even after a defeat off those twerps we still come out looking 1000000000x better as fans
  3. Huge game for us i would drop Bassong completely he is disgraceful, i would be tempted to play Cacapa alongside colo and shola for Xisco, Apart from that looks alreet to me. This really is a massive next couple of weeks for us if we lose these 2 we are really are in the sh*t Hahahahah. Bassong disgraceful? WUM surely? Anyway, I'm going to be just as nervous watching this one as I was watching yesterday against the Mackems. It might not be a derby, but it's an extremely important game for us, and should we fail to win, we'd be in some trouble. usually i do like to wind up people. But how many flaming times did bassong let the ball bounce infront of him, Malbranue tore him a new arsehole, he never won a header and to top it off he never passed the half way line when we had the ball
  4. Huge game for us i would drop Bassong completely he is disgraceful, i would be tempted to play Cacapa alongside colo and shola for Xisco, Apart from that looks alreet to me. This really is a massive next couple of weeks for us if we lose these 2 we are really are in the sh*t
  5. Cleveland police were there as well I think as Northumbria's horses are out of action for a long time so the cleveland horses are being used up here (they were used after Sunderland v Boro and Sunderland Arsenal anyway). Kinda explains the mayhem if anyone else has ever witnessed the stupidity at Boro with the horses. at the station heard some bloke talking to a copper and he said that there was alot of west yorkshire and cleveland police as well as northumbria on duty.
  6. Bassong is shite like, let every high ball drop
  7. jack j

    back barton

    well in joey lad, just play your football and let your feet do the talking
  8. Load of crap that is. The sunderland fans were on the pitch running towards the Newcastle fans as soon as the final whistle blew. Yes, some numpties from our end charged at them, but they came at us first. Also saw chairs and bottles going both ways, and coins coming towards us. No need for it man. of course they is, they f***ing s*** themselves when some of our fans ran back at them, f*** em My pal aint scum mate, he is a good lad and is always honest as he can be. never said scum it was meant to say sh*t, wasn't calling him that
  9. Load of crap that is. The sunderland fans were on the pitch running towards the Newcastle fans as soon as the final whistle blew. Yes, some numpties from our end charged at them, but they came at us first. Also saw chairs and bottles going both ways, and coins coming towards us. No need for it man. of course they is, they fucking shit themselves when some of our fans ran back at them, fuck em
  10. seen this like he ended up getting a good kicking in the newcastle end
  11. jack j

    Booing Chopra

    he hits women and kids and puts £600 bets on at the bookies in everyday
  12. got a few chomping at the bit here, one of me better trips on here. I'll be wearing me toon top the morra btw like if anyone sees me buy me a pint ta
  13. Define casual gear FJALL Raven Lacoste aquastucum Stone Island north face Paul and Shark Penguin Original adidas etc etc etc etc and to think your calling the lads and lasses in black and white charvas. that just shows your lack of intelligence sunshine, it would probably take you 3 months to save up for an aquastucum jacket
  14. Define casual gear FJALL Raven Lacoste aquastucum Stone Island north face Paul and Shark Penguin Original adidas etc etc etc etc
  15. Lennon mackems.gif Gomes O'Hara SPURS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. Put it away man, nothing to be wanking over here!! Don't spoil it - I'm almost there! Shearer backed in from 10/1 to under 4/1 on Betfair in the last hour or so..... link?
  17. the latest is that there s a new rumour which has sped this thread up loads
  18. Bob Hope is better than no hope
  19. 3 of them on the thread reckon they have heard the same rumour. Apparently shearer was over dubai last week also....
  20. Skunkers? aye What's the gen?? the bloke who bought citehs brother
  21. might be like might not be
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