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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. We signed loads that summer we signed smith if I remember right Beye Cacapa Faye Rozenhal Geremi Enrique Barton Viduka from the top of my head Thought we were gonna be fucking mint under Allardyce Ahh to be 17 and naive again
  2. Get in. 2 goals in a minute for Barnsley
  3. Decent crowd for a third tier fixture like. Hopefully Barnsley win cos am sick of the whinging wanky Wednesday lot
  4. Probably the best football song going at the time when man u sang nicky butt to baby give it up Been done to death same as owt else now
  5. 2 years older than Kane. May as well make him player manager. He will be having all the say anyway
  6. Ryan Mason favourite Be a right buzz for our champions league hopes if they go for a Caretaker til end of the season
  7. jack j

    Scott McTominay

    Just need a Man utd and Wales fan to complete the set
  8. jack j


    Boro would do similar as well. In fact they've already had a few banners aimed at us. So fuck them as well
  9. jack j

    Match Atmosphere

    Think the stereotypical English firm isn't as much about in ground atmosphere compared to the European ultra like
  10. jack j

    Alexander Isak

    Don't wanna go home Don't wanna go home this is the best trip ive ever been on So come on the geordies sing we know we're gonna win geordie boys will drink wherever they goo
  11. Think he wants a job as a steward. Proper busy body. Was doing the same at Southampton with Isak (who fucking loves it)
  12. jack j

    Anthony Gordon

    Good night out Nottingham Gordon might score if the old 6-1 women to men ratio is still kicking about Don't think Karius will struggle much like
  13. Took our time with this mind I can go to sleep now
  14. No way was he being serious Just shite "bantz" He got a class reception before he left us he's not gonna spoil that. He's said nowt but good things about us
  15. Forest please Absolute fucking plodders who tried to kick us to fuck cos they're utter shite
  16. Blood pressure is through the roof Never been as frustrated watching a game of football Thanks to Tierney VAR NottSforest ASM first half performance
  17. Over the moon from what I've read. Boring as fuck football and in free fall
  18. Big Sam Brewcey Woy Appy arry
  19. Hes abit of a twitter gobshite But he never takes his top off don't think he tries to profiteer and he hates true faith
  20. jack j

    Match Atmosphere

    Aye it didn't sound too bad at all Mebbes cos I wasn't there I Must be part of the problem
  21. Be ideal for it. Top pro and would keep the younguns standards up. Probably toughen them up as well
  22. jack j

    Dogawful Officiating

    A far worse decision than the Pope one was rashford not being booked for that dive.
  23. Aye. He has a weekly meltdown Pure fucking tosser who hates life.
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