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Everything posted by Coxaux

  1. Coxaux

    Saviola on loan?

    The Mail claim he's trying to price himself out of a move by demanding £140,000 a week.
  2. Capello = The new Sven
  3. Yes, I know this didn't require a new thread, but with all the optimism around I expect a couple of opinions to have changed. So who will it be? Hopefully we won't be leaving all the hard work until deadline week.
  4. In an interview with Ghanaian radio, the former Parma midfielder stated that he has cut ties with last year’s UEFA Champions League quarterfinalists. "Now I am a free agent," he told local radio station Happy FM in Accra. "A few issues happened between me and the club so I no longer play for them." The Ghanaian international captain also denied any links to Italian side Brescia - for whom he used to play - or English side outfit Portsmouth, but stated that he was still studying some offers from nameless teams. "Those stories about me and Brecia are not true. My personal trainer works with Brescia and I did a lot of work with him there during the off season so maybe that is where the rumours are from," he said. "But there a few offers I am studying even though I am not in a hurry. I want to make the right choice. At the end of it all the most important thing is that wherever I end up, I will give it my absolute all." Yes please, exactly what we need in terms of a defensive midfielder. A possible drawback is his injury record, but on a free it might be worth a gamble in my opinion.
  5. Don' think he meant it like that, he went on afterwards to say he spotted Guthrie. Makes me think he selects the targets and Wise goes and signs them up.
  6. Fancy Campbell to score actually...
  7. Campbell isn't exactly a muppet in front of goal, the way some people are talking you'd think he was.
  8. Could do with a clean sheet for Chelsea with Cech, Carvalho and Lampard in my side.
  9. Cech Johnson Carvalho Evra Clichy Young Lampard Nasri Bentley Defoe Bent
  10. Looks like a power house of a team geared for long ball football, still don't think there's enough quality there to keep them in the league though.
  11. It makes me laugh when people think they know how the club is being ran. Good comedy at least. you're back! I am, you love it really.
  12. It makes me laugh when people think they know how the club is being ran. Good comedy at least.
  13. Strange, thought these alleged ITK's claimed the deals would be paraded tomorrow. Either way, I'll believe it when I see it. Well it started out with an announcement today and a parading tomorrow, now it seems to have gravitated to the whol shebang tomorrow. Watch that move, to before the Manure game, then before the end of the window. Then evetually to "well I never actually said it was 100 certain, something stoped the deals going through at the last minute". For Christ sake mate, I get the picture at any point did I say, WOW CAN'T WAIT FOR THESE SIGNINGS THAT ARE DEFOS HAPPENING LOLZ!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111
  14. interesting summation, i'll not bother making a humorous parody of your username however there are few absolutes; our summer to date is simply not good enough, there's one for you though if i was a spurs fan i'd be equally unimpressed i have to say, as many other people have pointed out they've not addressed the issues with their squad so spend (gross or net) isn't everything i refer you back to our summer transfers to date at this point Oh dear me it must have slipped my mind the transfer window had closed, its been a longer day than suspected. Oh I suppose that means I can judge our summer spending. No, I don't think anyone is delusional to think if we stopped buying now we'd have anything less than a troublesome season, the fact is it's open for a another good couple of weeks yet where I'm sure Keegan et al will be grafting their bollocks off to bring some new faces in. Whether they're big money signings or not we'll see, but the fact is you can't surely judge a clubs progress 2/3 of the way through a transfer market on their net spend, or are you really that foolish? ok, continue to repeatedly ignore all of my posts, including the opening one and last one where i write "summer transfers to date" after others not liking the net spend part, which is fair enough go back to my first post and again, we'll see where we are sep 1st...RIGHT NOW it's not good enough is what i said and i hope to be dealt a swift kick in the balls by uncle mike and kk but i doubt it right now, like it or not, the clubs spend is virtually the same as we ended MA's first summer season in charge, fact, whether it stays that way will tell it's own story Rightio so why the fuck are you getting your knickers in a twist then?
  15. So did David Rozenhal! Is this forum on a rerun? Every summer is a rerun with NUFC. First there are no or very few signings and some people start to get nervous. The "sensible" posters then laugh at those people and talk about how much time it is left etc. Time goes and we miss most of our targets and hear lots of stuff about why this happened etc. Roeder being the master of that. We get some players in and in the end you always feel underwhelmed and that we are not ready for the new season. totally and utterly bang on the nose mate different now though, with mike at the helm doncha know!! Seriously mate do me a favor and knob off, I don't give a toss if I get banned because your doing my fucking nut in. So far regardless of net spend (which apparently signifies ambition) we have addressed the back line and signed too very promising lads to play in the middle of the park. I have no doubt there will be more, it would be a bloody idiot who settles on this squad in its current state and if they don't I'm sure it won't be for the want of trying. The problem is there's far too many so called "fans" such as yourself, who can't seem to wait until the transfer window shuts so they can sit behind their computers and wet themselves as they type "I told you so", so before you start whinging again at least wait until the windows closed before you make your pessimistic and frankly unfounded assessment.
  16. interesting summation, i'll not bother making a humorous parody of your username however there are few absolutes; our summer to date is simply not good enough, there's one for you though if i was a spurs fan i'd be equally unimpressed i have to say, as many other people have pointed out they've not addressed the issues with their squad so spend (gross or net) isn't everything i refer you back to our summer transfers to date at this point Oh dear me it must have slipped my mind the transfer window had closed, its been a longer day than suspected. Oh I suppose that means I can judge our summer spending. No, I don't think anyone is delusional to think if we stopped buying now we'd have anything less than a troublesome season, the fact is it's open for a another good couple of weeks yet where I'm sure Keegan et al will be grafting their bollocks off to bring some new faces in. Whether they're big money signings or not we'll see, but the fact is you can't surely judge a clubs progress 2/3 of the way through a transfer market on their net spend, or are you really that foolish?
  17. Why would Everton want to replace Baines?
  18. Sorry Mr.Morrywhatsyourface573908 I think what your trying to say is you need to spend money to go forward, correct? And breaking even shows a lack of ambition, correct? Even if you have sold off your deadwood for a ridiculous price? Or I might just be having one of those nights, it's been a long day.
  19. Strange, thought these alleged ITK's claimed the deals would be paraded tomorrow. Either way, I'll believe it when I see it.
  20. It would be hilarious of Keegan could pull of some elaborate prank where he managed to get 3-4 Brazilian internationals training with us. Genius at its most evil.
  21. And the last centre half Rangers sold to the Premiership for big money was a French International, and proven in the French top flight. Remember him? Spot on, it happened once, so it's 99% certain it will happen again.
  22. What exactly are you trying to get at? It's a very mixed message. Oh and I though we got the best part of £3 million for Rozenhal and around £8 million for Emre.
  23. Currently Warnock > Enrique In terms of potential Enrique > Warnock
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