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Everything posted by McCormick

  1. Seen him play, wasn't particularly wowed but i suspect he could do a job for us.
  2. How long did it take you to come up with that comparison? Dont poke fun man, he's obviously in an abusive relationship.
  3. Inconsolable after that match, it just felt so... unfair
  4. Why? I'd say thats a lame way of trying to make fun of me and what I just wrote. Nevermind him. Let me clarify then, the guy who wrote the article on the swedish website, is portuguese, and its just a wild guess, but i think he does listen to portuguese radio, just to keep himself updated with news in his homeland. Wouldnt you do that if you were living in a foreign country? I'm failing to see what egyptian radio stations and Romanian newspapers have to do with Miguel Veloso. eh?? just having a go at the ludicrousy of some of these sources (and no captain, not singling you out mate, sorry if it came out that way)
  5. Been listening to an egyptian radio channel while searching romanian newspapers on the net... no news as of yet but i'll keep you lot posted. edit- spelling
  6. Allow me to piss on your rainbow for just a minute..
  7. Its not harsh mate, even I can admit that going from Newcastle to Man U is always a step up as much as I hate to admit it. We have got to stop playing ouselves down, Newcastle is much the more attractive proposition to a player than Blackburn any way you want to look at it bar the last couple of years league positions I'll give you that one Come on, TOON TOON, BLACK& WHITE ARMY!! :lol: sorry for the confusion
  8. and Solano's told you this recently? No, has he told you differently? Didn't realise his kids had moved back up here without him. My bad. Who would you like to see us sign, Role Model? Or do you just haunt this thread trying too hard to be funny with your "omg facepalm" shite patter? haaaaarsh
  9. Eh? How exactly is Bentley easy attainable? He plays for a diddy club whom finished above us in the league but that means very little in this instance really. We bid, they accept and he jumps at the chance to play for a more prestigious club and earn more money. Simple. We have an extraordinarily slim chance of signing bentley. Simple.
  10. None of them a good enough *ahem* zarate
  11. Average top 4 reject, meh
  12. I thought he was too old for us last year.. My sources tell me he's a bit older now, so nah thanks
  13. Oh fuck off shaun, that's utter tripe you wanker
  14. i'm actually pretty scared of QPR
  15. Thats the going rate for a potential star and he's already got 5 full caps for Portugal. Fair enough
  16. 15 million? A bit steep i'd say.... but i suppose we're paying for the player he'll become rather than the unfinished article that he is now.
  17. Man city 'leading the chase to sign Geovanni dos santos'- SSN Good little player him, we should be in there (who's conducting this alledged transfer anyway? what with citeh in disarray an'all)
  18. Wait, isn't [maze] the lad who posted a page of tranfer targets that he got directly from FM? should really take his opinions with a grain of salt tbh... or rather dissmiss them entirely
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