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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. fine rescind the card but don't help team for this game
  2. deffo case yet again for TV on dodgy decisions
  3. shame nowt was done about the off ball incident earlier on, reds will win all in there favour as usual
  4. who they can get rid off for a fast buck, can't see much comming will be same as last January,unexpected players leaving with sod all coming in
  5. Free publicity no such thing as bad publicity, makes us a laughing stock and the mackems will have a field day
  6. I didn't understand what a leveraged buyout was but having found this below it all makes sense. A leveraged buyout is where an investor group acquires a business using mainly borrowed money. The amount of equity finance used in these deals is usually very small and 80% or more the finance for the deal takes the form of debt. Much of this debt is likely to take the form of 'junk bonds', which carry a high rate of interest, reflecting the risks of carrying such a high level of debt. This means there is a strong incentive for the investors to pay down the debt as quickly as possible. Investors aim to use the cashflows of the acquired business to repay the interest on the debt. Frequently, the bidder will also raise cash to pay down the debt by selling parts of the acquired business. As the debt is paid off, the value of the investors' equity rises. Their aim is ultimately to realise the value of their equity by selling the business or floating it on the stock market.LBOs became common in the US in the late 1980s but were slower to take off in the UK. During the 1990s, there was a sharp rise in the number of private equity groups looking for LBO deals. But LBOs are highly risky, particularly in an economic downturn when it becomes harder to repay debt or to find a suitable 'exit' - i.e. sell the business. It appears to me this is exactly what he (Ashley) is upto "Paying down the debt quickly to palm us of and him to make a buck, problem of course nobody wants us!!!
  7. we didn't spend the 35mill, only the cash from the recent transfers and no doubt the 35mill will be conveniently forgotten about
  8. Everyone blames everyone else when in reality all are to blame. Scousers for attempting to get in by any means possible,police lack of control. Ibrox had there issues when fans left the ground down the stairs only to attempt a return back up them when they (Rangers ) I believe got an equalizer, its all down to the herd instinct and all wanting something for nowt. Sorry but in my opinion ultimatley the biggest fault was with the fans no one else.
  9. wyn davies

    Joey Barton

    yep Barton went to assist Gervinho to get off the ground, but!! Gervinho then turned on Barton as Barton helped him get up! which caused the fracas, watch iplayer and you can clearly see the offence happening, funny how the stamping has drifted into the background and all the emphisis is on Barton starting the bother.
  10. Collo played a stormy yesterday and Best showed why he never will be. Yep he put in a shift yesterday but he didn't take the oportunities he had yesterday and basically he cannot cut it.
  11. I thought he was brilliant yesterday, was playing holy hell with Lovenkrands for his positional play had the left side tied up and no doubt whatsoever will be sold in the summer along with Tiote who had their midfield in knots.
  12. why not Clarence as well just to top up, oh, and that great player Marcelino
  13. thought TalkSport had a heavy involvement with SLY if so have they actually ditched them?
  14. wyn davies

    Joey Barton

    Diaby got sent off for having a go a Nolan not for the initial, as ref pointed out he Diaby had two goes at players in the incident, therefore mayof got a yellow for Barton but the follow up cost.
  15. Hughton will do the job but has enough time with the squad they possess
  16. wyn davies

    Leon Best

    will act as a temp striker till the summer,unless he gets as many goals as carrol in the same number of games then we'll sell him for a big wedge
  17. wyn davies

    Alan Pardew

    thought possibilities were there
  18. will be gone in the Summer, and Best also for £35m
  19. they should of been at least 6 up in the 1st half but great credit to the lads for taking advantage of playing against 10, and who would of thought, US, taking 4 pts out of 6 from Arsenal.
  20. mentioned on footall focus we maybe trying for the ex middlesboro muppet , Alliadiere, (if spelling wrong you knowwho i mean)
  21. If I can go to Holland and buy a RHD Car Cheaper than here as was the case a while back, I can purchase an Airline Ticket to the States cheaper by going via another carrier eg KLM from Newcastle to Amsterdam and onto the States without using BA, caN buy European ciggs here Camel etc etc , why can't I buy a Sat Package cheaper from another EU sat carrier?. Weren't the whole point of joining EU was to enable us to trade FREELY between EU countries without issue's, give it a few years and we'll be using Euro's and replacing POUNDS
  22. We had umpteen points when leading the premiership until the West Ham defeat we are in for a relegation battle make no mistake
  23. based on last nights efforts we are in deep stum, relegation deffo a possibility, ranger it appears can't cut it,Best been found out,Lovenkrands not upto it, yep we are in the sh*t.
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