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Chris Banaloona

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Everything posted by Chris Banaloona

  1. No we wouldn't. I mean people like yourself who may or may not be on the spectrum might but people who can count without using their fingers and toes would probably think a bit more rationally. Let's not get into the semantics of ones mental well being here. As things stand we aren't going up. That is a fact. 5th place gets into the playoffs so I don't think that you could write us off yet even if the season did end after 9 games. But since it doesn't, if it takes a little time for everything to really click then so be it. I don't think that's a 1 month thing or a 2 month thing but a continual process to maintain levels. tbh this is the first time in ages that an appeal to fans to remain patient sounds like reasonable counsel. 5th place, we really are clutching at straws. Given our resources 5th place is embarrassing even at this stage of the season. Ridiculous amount of excuses being trotted out when it comes to Rafa. Team needs time to click etc. I haven't seen anything to suggest we are going to create enough and be consistent enough to gain promotion. That is down to the manager.
  2. No we wouldn't. I mean people like yourself who may or may not be on the spectrum might but people who can count without using their fingers and toes would probably think a bit more rationally. Let's not get into the semantics of ones mental well being here. As things stand we aren't going up. That is a fact. all this shite about his attention to detail yet he continues to pick a GK so far out of his depth it's not even funny. Rafalution, in Rafa we trust, Rafa knows best..... What a load of bollocks.
  3. Awful? How come? We are fucking 5th in a league we should be dominating. Recruitment has been terrible with the players bought, sub standard. Most critically Rafa didn't sign the centre forward we needed. Loaned out our best GK and replaced him with an absolute clown of a player. Perseveres with his negative tactics and mindless rotation of players. If we were in this position with any other manager we'd be calling for change. see ya in May ????
  4. Yes I am.... At the end of the season My judgement will be proved correct. We'll still be in this league.
  5. We shouldn't even be playing villa. Had Rafa not completely fucked up this game 4 months ago we'd be in the premier league. Yet we are 5th in the championship struggling to regain where we belong. I'll say it again, Rafa isn't all he's made out to be.
  6. Where is this guy, didn't play for 23's tonight?
  7. Rafa is taking the piss out of us all. Absolutely taking the piss. Just fuck off.
  8. Chris Banaloona

    Matz Sels

    David De Gea wasn't brilliant in his first 6 months either. Took him a while to settle too.
  9. Can I suggest a Tena Lady? Just being realistic. Problem with so many on here is that Rafa can do no wrong. Yet he is failing miserably in many aspects of his role. 1: Recruitment has been dog s***, with us still not addressing key positions, 2: Performances absolutely horrendous. Being realistic is not allowed. Or maybe the vast majority are sensible minded people and believe that, in time, one of the world's best managers will turn this basket case of a club around. Before Fulham we were unbeaten in ages, no need to get hysterical over a couple of defeats Did you expect us to lose to both Fulham and Huddersfield before the start of the season? Also in the manner that we lost both games? No. I also didn't expect us to go 6 unbeaten at the back end of last season either. That's the beauty of football. If it always went the way you expected there would be no point. Just relax, safe in the knowledge he will get it right. Okay i'll take your word for it. I really hope i'm proved wrong.
  10. Can I suggest a Tena Lady? Just being realistic. Problem with so many on here is that Rafa can do no wrong. Yet he is failing miserably in many aspects of his role. 1: Recruitment has been dog s***, with us still not addressing key positions, 2: Performances absolutely horrendous. Being realistic is not allowed. Or maybe the vast majority are sensible minded people and believe that, in time, one of the world's best managers will turn this basket case of a club around. Before Fulham we were unbeaten in ages, no need to get hysterical over a couple of defeats Did you expect us to lose to both Fulham and Huddersfield before the start of the season? Also in the manner that we lost both games?
  11. Aye, three games is far too long to give a manager who's proven to be a winner everywhere he's gone like Disagreeing with decisions is one thing, but having a go at him at this stage is absolutely pathetic. Recruitment isn't finished BTW. I hardly call is a problem that people on here want to give their trust to a manager who's proven he's top class, quite the opposite. Isn't disagreeing with decisions the same as having a go? I also disagree with the fact we haven't signed a central midfield player who can control the game for us (i don't actually think he will fix this issue before the deadline is closed fwiw), I disagree with the fact he has played Anita RW so far this season and persevered with him despite his obvious failings there, I disagree with the fact that Paul Dummett is still our 1st choice left back irrespective of it being 100% obvious he isn't up to the job and I disagree with his uber negative tactics as if we are fucking Burton Albion. In fact Burton Albion are more expansive with lesser resources. In hindsight I actually think we would have stayed up last season had we had another manager in charge, his tactics killed us at Aston Villa. A result had we got it would have seen us remain in the top flight. There has been no sign that Rafa is making better decisions with the club than his predecessors. At this stage, based on his performance since he arrived he has shown little to justify the hype surrounding him.
  12. Can I suggest a Tena Lady? Just being realistic. Problem with so many on here is that Rafa can do no wrong. Yet he is failing miserably in many aspects of his role. 1: Recruitment has been dog shit, with us still not addressing key positions, 2: Performances absolutely horrendous. Being realistic is not allowed.
  13. Hope not because he may be back here by then, he's not burnt his bridges with Ashley and we'll no doubt have an opening around then. Best thing for us is that he stays put. February. Benitez will be gone before the end of October.
  14. When we don't win on Wednesday it'll be three games played. Recruitment has been absolute dogshit.
  15. Yeah and look how that turned out!! Rafa won't get us promoted. Must go ASAP.
  16. Are you being serious with the Benitez/Pardew comparison son? Yes I am. In fact the turgid stuff served up in the 1st 2 games has been a lot more negative than Pardew. At least Pardew didn't play Anita RW for a full game. For that alone Rafa should fuck off back to Liverpool.
  17. Too many clouded by who Rafa is rather than what he is serving up. What he has achieved in the past has no bearing what he isn't achieving today. He's recruited poorly by still not addressing the areas of the team that still need attention - LB, Winger, Centre Fwd and judging by today we need a creative midfielder too. Finally he's setting the team up far too negatively..... If this was Pardew he would be ran out of town, yet it's okay for Rafa to do it.
  18. Rafa's whole recruitment has been absolutely dog shit. Plus his negativity is gonna mean we won't go up.
  19. Anita over Ritchie. Rafa has to be the most negative manager going. We aren't going with him in charge
  20. We aren't going to change that if he keeps setting us up like he has been away from home. We should be going to places to win the game. Yet he is setting us up to keep it tight and nick something on the break. We absolutely battered Pardew for doing this. Villa away last season and tonight are unacceptable. Yet if he had of shown more balls at Villa last night wouldn't have occurred. Jury's out on Rafa I'm afraid.
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