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Everything posted by Parsley

  1. I'd really like Houllier as manager - he knows the French market as well as anybody and offers a wealth of experience and class to the team.
  2. Would like to see - Given Carr Cacapa Taylor Enrique Lua Lua Emre Zog Duff Owen Viduka
  3. I feel like a numpty now Anyway, going for a comfortable 3-0.
  4. Nah he's not on it. Lawro and Alan Hansen instead.
  5. We'll recover from this. 2 home games next against Stoke and Bolton are the perfect opportunity to get back on track. As for today, good first half performance but went completely tits up in the second.
  6. Its the manner. They're not beating us out of good play, its just us pushing the self destruct button. again, what were you expecting? we held on well till half time, could have been 1-0 up even. thats as big a plus as this defeat is a negative. Agree. Been satisfied so far with our defending for the most part and our possessive play.
  7. Little harsh I think. Tight angle with a defender on his back with Van Der Sar recovering.
  8. Awful defending. Was a shame, we were doing well until that.
  9. Absolutely ridiculous. No way was that a freekick.
  10. don't think you can blame cacapa for that... was no cover for enrique down the left.
  11. we're hanging in there...need more fire power tho - bring smith off and stick viduka alongside owen in the second half imo
  12. bollocks was that a pen when ronaldo can't even take the free kick in the right place
  13. enrique looks solid at least - was good against tevez there
  14. was good play until smith got it, rooney should have scored though. big let off.
  15. A player that interests me is Michael Johnson from City - young and great going forward. Unlikely that City'll sell him though as he's a great prospect.
  16. Foreign as I don't think the available British managers are any better than Big Sam and would be a bit of a side-step.
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