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Everything posted by Parsley

  1. N'zogbia username, Keegan avatar... f***ing hell, you're the Newcastle curse!
  2. If the Given and N'Zogbia money is spent on 2 more players I'd say they've done very well.
  3. I feel a change in user name is in order Sad to see him leave as I like Charlie alot as a player. However his comments of late have really disappointed me and the deal on offer is well worth it.
  4. It would have been Ebondo and M'Bia in the summer but in our current state Nolan and Taylor.
  5. Parsley

    The Mackems Game

    I fear Jones and Cisse are going to rape our defence from every possible angle, it's going to be a massive test for our defence and Colo in particular. That said Sunderland are fairly average everywhere else and if by some miracle we keep their frontline quiet we'll win.
  6. Had a quick wander ( ) through some Bolton forums and the general crack is that he's rubbish
  7. Is that a good thing? Yes. Barton's way better than any of our other midfielders.
  8. He's not far off Barton tbh, I'd be happy if the price is alright.
  9. Parsley

    Kinnear Out

    Midds, this one is for you. What good will another short-term appointment do? If a new manager is to be appointed it has to be long term and in that sense we can do far, far better than the likes of Pardew and Coleman. No we can't. In the state we're in I'd hand either one of them a two year contract in a heartbeat. Despite the likes of Terim, Deschamps, Bruce and Shearer declaring interest in the job when KK left?
  10. Parsley

    Kinnear Out

    Midds, this one is for you. What good will another short-term appointment do? If a new manager is to be appointed it has to be long term and in that sense we can do far, far better than the likes of Pardew and Coleman.
  11. Parsley

    Kinnear Out

    It's not as if Kinnear was a class manager with a decent record and we're just turning on him because of recent poor form. FFS. He was never good enough. Appointing hiim was a mistake from the start. Let's just get around to rectifying that before we're dead and buried. Who should we have got instead then bearing in mind the club was for sale? What we should have done was say "thanks but get the f*** out of here" the moment the club went off the market. Why? We were looking alright going into Christmas when, as I recall at least, we put a decent little run together. To sack Kinnear on the back of that would have been very unfair imo and would just alienate the players even more.
  12. Parsley

    Kinnear Out

    It's not as if Kinnear was a class manager with a decent record and we're just turning on him because of recent poor form. FFS. He was never good enough. Appointing hiim was a mistake from the start. Let's just get around to rectifying that before we're dead and buried. Who should we have got instead then bearing in mind the club was for sale?
  13. Been a much better second half, we're keeping the ball quite well.
  14. He isn't but I wouldn't look too much into that, Kuzmanovic and Montolivo are both very highly rated.
  15. Fagan had been on the wind-up all day. All Gardner did was win the ball while Belhadj was faffing around.
  16. He played up front in the trial match so hopefully that'll be where he'll mostly be playing.
  17. Parsley

    Kinnear Out

    What an absolute numpty.
  18. Owen's off in the summer anyway. If he's stripped after the window he won't be leaving any sooner, plus if he wants to play for England Owen'll have to keep his performances up anyway.
  19. Who's to say he's still like this?
  20. Fair point but it at least shows that he's willing to put his point across and try to change things. Owen seems to just give up with the rest of the team and do nothing.
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