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Everything posted by Parsley

  1. It SHOULD be Steven Taylor and Shola imo but you know it's going to be Jose and McLoven for the axe. Nailed on.
  2. Parsley

    Players in public

    Not NUFC related but I'm pretty sure I saw Tommy Smith of Watford walk past me in Waitrose earlier.
  3. Thought we were excellent first half with defensive dodginess put aside, put together some nice moves and looked very good in possession. Could have easily been 4 or 5-1. Second half we were mostly comfortable up until the goal. We dropped very deep after that went in but in all honesty Brom didn't create too much, certainly didn't feel like it at the time though. Deserved win and a massive 3 points, well done lads. If Martins had played we'd have torn them a new arsehole. Nolan, Raylor, Duff and Lovenkrands stand-outs and am feeling good for next game with Jonas and Martins coming back.
  4. Jose can half pick a pass with that left peg. Shola offside though.
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