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Everything posted by Parsley

  1. We were very lucky to beat them at home, nevermind away. I blame Kinnear's infamous suicidal half-time team talk for that tbh. We were far and away the better side for the first half that game.
  2. Fucking hell. Yes, losing Oba is a massive blow but this is WEST BROM. They're bottom for a reason man. We'll beat them with or without him.
  3. In fairness to Hughton he was well up against it with Keegan leaving, the Ashley protests etc. Morale would have probably been rock bottom then and the players probably wouldn't have played well for a fair few others. Not saying he's decent or anything but he's in a much more favourable situation with a squad that should be boosted with the new signings. We'll still win
  4. Would be fucking typical if Liverpool win this.
  5. Apparently Simpson and their captain, Greening, are out and Koren and Morrison are both doubts.
  6. I think he's alright actually. Quick, young and has a cracking left peg. We can do much better but he's not shit by any means.
  7. Must win game. WBA are very dodgy at the back fortunately and Martins and Shola will give them a tough, tough time with their pace and strength. I'm confident Bassong will keep Simpson quiet, the question is whether Taylor can do the same with Bednar/Fortune, either can be quite dangerous. Butt and Nolan will probably get overrun but their midfield's quite lightweight; if they can intimidate and impose themselves a bit they'll do alright. It'll be tough as Albion are on good form but I think we'll edge it. 2-1.
  8. Given Bosingwa Vidic Bassong Belhadj Young Ireland Gerrard Nasri Anelka Van Persie
  9. Parsley

    Ryan Taylor

    He's a good signing but him, Nolan and Lovenkrands just won't be enough. Even with Nolan we only have 3 midfielders.
  10. We have 27 minutes left, do you seriously think we can get someone in within that time?
  11. Yes, I was feeling good about the window this morning and its materialised to fuck all.
  12. Parsley

    Ryan Taylor

    The No.5 shirt's still going spare then. Fingers crossed.
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