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Everything posted by Parsley

  1. On a sidenote Craig Burley is an absolute wanker. Doesn't have a single good thing to say about Newcastle.
  2. Bolton are making it difficult, they're getting very tight to us.
  3. He's a yes man. He'll happy do as he's told and not get in the way of Wise, Ashley, Llambias et al when they want to pull the strings. There's much better options for a yes man than Kinnear. Someone like Poyet for example, while being proper unpopular, ticks all the boxes. Not as cheap though. Keegan was on a fair buck wasn't he? No idea, there wasn't any cost to get him though. Things are probably different now anyway. True. But Poyet's (just an example, I'm not backing him for the job fwiw) out of a job at the moment, surely he wouldn't cost THAT much either?
  4. He's a yes man. He'll happy do as he's told and not get in the way of Wise, Ashley, Llambias et al when they want to pull the strings. There's much better options for a yes man than Kinnear. Someone like Poyet for example, while being proper unpopular, ticks all the boxes. Not as cheap though. Keegan was on a fair buck wasn't he?
  5. He's a yes man. He'll happy do as he's told and not get in the way of Wise, Ashley, Llambias et al when they want to pull the strings. There's much better options for a yes man than Kinnear. Someone like Poyet for example, while being proper unpopular, ticks all the boxes.
  6. But its good for spurs too. Draw's the best result iyam. Do you realistically think Spurs will go down?
  7. Hull losing is better for us iyam.
  8. Some of the feedback on Raylor's been a bit harsh imo. His delivery was consistently very good and he made some very able contributions outside of that too - positive forward ball into Shola for the Lovenkrands sitter and a fantastically timed challenge on Baines (I think) inside our penalty area. He's looking like a very good piece of business AND he's playing out of position!
  9. Lennon was a bit of a handful for him but otherwise I'd agree. I'm a big fan of his.
  10. It was poor in the second half but we had a couple of good, sustained periods of pressure in the first I thought. We definitely need a good playmaker though, I agree.
  11. Really annoyed at Nolan. We played a pretty good half there until he had to go and be a twat like that. Now the ball's very much in Everton's court.
  12. Not that surprised tbh. Martins on the bench is probably wise all things considered and it would be difficult to drop one of Duff, Raylor and Saylor with 2 scoring in the last game and the other being our only set piece merchant. Would rather both were in the side, don't get me wrong, but its understandable why they're not.
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