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Everything posted by Parsley

  1. Could it be worth the risk? - We're in desperate times and need more of a character at the forefront to keep morale high. For me Owen just isn't vocal enough and while I can accept that he leads by example, that's difficult to do when his role is purely scoring goals and Barton's is to win tackles. I think seeing Barton winning challenges will inspire the midfield, our big problem area, more than seeing Owen beat the offside trap only to miss his daily sitter. - He's already captained Man City. - Owen's off in the summer anyway so any dissuasion caused might not count for much. - Barton can communicate with the players and drive them, I'm not convinced Owen can. I've never seen Owen pep up the team like Barton did before West Brom while he's been captain. Obviously it has some big drawbacks in that the media would have an orgy over it and it could push Owen out the door when we desperately need his goals. I'd also like to point out that I think Owen's a terrific player but while it made sense for KK to hand him the captaincy last season, circumstances have chanegd massively and perhaps giving Barton the armband could give the players the morale boost they need.
  2. Parsley


    The Hull one was pretty debatable too iyam. Halmosi was virtually mid-dive before Butt even made the challenge.
  3. No. Imo this is exactly the type of signing we should be staying away from. We need dynamism, enthusiasm and spirit in our midfield, not some old crock looking for a final payday.
  4. Lennon has been Spurs' best player so far this season by a fair distance. If Harry has half a brain he won't be going anywhere. But Bentley on the other hand..
  5. Given Taylor Colo Bassong N'Zogbia Lua Lua Butt Guthrie Jonas Owen Xisco ...is what I'd play. Jonas will give Charlie plenty of cover to make up for his defensive frailties and both have pace and guile in attack. Lua Lua looked promising against Hull and I'll be disappointed if he doesn't at least feature today. Xisco is better than Carroll imo and with an alright performance mid-week should start again. I think we'll go a goal down in the first half but come back strongly, get an equaliser and come within inches of winning it right at death, 1-1.
  6. Fuck's sake. I like Joe but I can't see us getting anywhere with him in charge next year. Really hope this isn't true.
  7. Going by the highlights there's no way we deserved to lose that game, as poor as we may have been.
  8. Hull have sounded absolutely shite and yet we're still fucking losing. Come on lads ffs.
  9. Ranger slipped into the ranks without a club announcement didn't he?
  10. More likely that we've not got a pot to piss in and even if we had, no bugger really wants to commit to us long term. There is that as well
  11. Decent sign that we're loaning players if it means that JFK might not be carrying on next season.
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