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Everything posted by Parsley

  1. Has Wise been sacked btw? They didn't mention him being at the training ground.
  2. Bent for Martins mackems.gif Absolute shambles if true, its even on their ticker bar now.
  3. As far as we're concerned he's signed, the only hold-up is Zog's move to Wigan.
  4. City are taking the piss a bit if you ask me. Johnson's barely played a game so far this season and with that and his drinking problem £8 mill's a pretty generous offer. Not to mention they've just signed De Jong and will probably buy 7 more £10mill+ midfielders in the summer. FFS
  5. I was amazed Whitehead didn't at least get a yellow for about 3 late fouls and Bardsley was lucky to still be on the pitch imo.
  6. Can't agree there mate. I was fairly impressed with his passing today, spread the play well and I didn't see him give it away too much either. Didn't think he was fanatstic by any stretch but he did alright and he'll find his feet with a couple more games.
  7. The commitment was there today, I've never seen the players work so hard so far this season. Even Shola put in an alright shift. After a poor first half where we were outplayed in all fairness we responded with character and gusto and at least deserved a point. That said, we really needed a win and this just shifts all the pressure onto the Brom game. Still, positives to be taken and I'm hopeful the lack of quality in the final ball will be improved with Martins and Taylor in the side. Harper - 7: Lots of pressure on him today with the whole Given thing and he did very well I thought. Taylor - 7: Good going forward, won the penalty. Did well. Bassong - 9: An absolute beast. Dealt with Jones and Cisse very, very well on the most part, two quality centre forwards. Crocked Cisse and possibly Jones as well, top man. Coloccini - 6: Shaky. Completely at fault for the goal but didn't let it get to him and had a pretty solid second half. Enrique - 8: His best game for me in a black and white shirt. No cock-ups today and not only defended well but was our creative outlet for a bit of the second half with a couple of sublime slide-rule passes. Delivery needs work however. Duff - 6: Worked hard, final ball was poor. Decent bit of play for the penalty, corners weren't too bad either. Butt - 6: Almost cost us the game with an awful header and distribution was pretty poor. Won a few decent challenges though. Nolan - 6: Bit disappointed, thought he was a bit pedestrian. Made some good, positive passes but just didn't see enough of the ball and didn't look particularly mobile either. Jonas - 7: Can't fault his attitude, gave it a real go. Always going into tackles and running at Bardsley. Final ball was very poor however save for that one for Shola in the second half. Shola - 6: Didn't look arsed at times but took the penalty very well and was a bit of a handful for their defence. Carroll - 7: Desperately unlucky to hit the bar and put himself about well. Subs: Lovenkrands - 6: Good little cameo, a decent cross and a great little curler with his weaker foot that he was unlucky with. Showed more guile than most today. Edgar - N/A Not a great result but the character shown by the players is encouraging, we didn't lose and also crocked Sunderland's best player. Absolutely must beat West Brom but with Taylor and hopefully another one or two in the frame with a fully fit Martins back I don't see why we can't.
  8. He was outstanding today. Top, top class.
  9. No changes, shouldn't have expected any more from that clueless cunt.
  10. We've worked hard but ultimately have been shit. Sunderland deserve their lead in all fairness. Desperately need something to happen at half time.
  11. Can't fault the commitment of the players tbf. Everyone's tracking back and making tackles. Christ Shola!
  12. Parsley

    The Mackems Game

    Ryan Taylor at the game in a Newcastle tracksuit
  13. Parsley

    The Mackems Game

    Nervous and excited as fuck. Come on!
  14. Wouldn't rule out anything tbh. The Nolan deal came out of absolutely nothing and was concluded very quickly, no reason why something like that can't happen again. Likewise news about Xisco and Nacho came from out of the blue a day or so before deadline day so I'm still fairly hopeful that we'll get at least one more in.
  15. N'zogbia username, Keegan avatar... f***ing hell, you're the Newcastle curse! Can you call yourself Nicky Butt and put a picture of Kinnear in your av? Please? I don't think I could live with seeing those two everytime I post.
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