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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. Says it all about the pissweak little cunt that he deems a long-range effort to be from about 19 or 20 yards. I'm surprised he can kick the ball that far.
  2. Stevenage, Oldham, Bradford, Southend and Fleetwood acca tonight. Started well. Also BTTS for all the L1 and L2 fixtures.
  3. Pilko

    Massadio Haïdara

    Shame Carver didn't deck him seeing as he's getting a fine and a ban anyway
  4. That episode of the Simpsons where Krusty realises all he's good at is selling out - that's basically Owen in a nutshell.
  5. Pilko

    Massadio Haïdara

    Understand the sentiment but no to injuring the player in revenge, were better than that. I'm not. Me neither, it's things like this when they're not sorted out by the people in charge that stir such emotions in people. Example: last year on my way home, a car drove past me and the person in the back threw a McDonalds cup full of PVA glue at me with some force, hit me right in the midriff and went all over me. Could see up the road they'd been throwing eggs and other stuff at passers-by. I rang the police, who just weren't interested in the slightest, so when I saw the car parked up two days later me and a friend keyed the fuck out of it. Two wrongs don't make a right but boy did I fucking feel better. I hope it was the same car and not just someone else's car. Meanwhile some Vicar is driving a car with "FVCKING CVNT" keyed in his car. had the registration noted down. They drove past again doing a 'victory lap' and shouting taunts etc, had they not then I'd not have had the registration down. Plus, the car had a racing stripe and a shitty spoiler so it was pretty distinctive.
  6. Pilko

    Massadio Haïdara

    Understand the sentiment but no to injuring the player in revenge, were better than that. I'm not. Me neither, it's things like this when they're not sorted out by the people in charge that stir such emotions in people. Example: last year on my way home, a car drove past me and the person in the back threw a McDonalds cup full of PVA glue at me with some force, hit me right in the midriff and went all over me. Could see up the road they'd been throwing eggs and other stuff at passers-by. I rang the police, who just weren't interested in the slightest, so when I saw the car parked up two days later me and a friend keyed the fuck out of it. Two wrongs don't make a right but boy did I fucking feel better.
  7. Pilko

    Massadio Haïdara

    After all of this corrupt bullshit we've seen today, I'd happily see any of our players go in for a completely reckless reducer on McManaman at the next earliest opportunity. Sounds stupid but when you can't rely on the people in charge to exact justice, people take things into their own hands. Would love to see Tiote end the little twat's career.
  8. Pilko

    Massadio Haïdara

    I really hope we sue the FA and Wigan Athletic for every single penny we can get. Pack of cunts.
  9. Haha, just clocked Jimmy Bullard's Phil Brown celebration at the bottom as well.
  10. Ba and Cisse bottom left corner, diagonally upwards from them you can see Bowyer and Dyer too.
  11. Pilko

    Massadio Haïdara

    I would say that I hope Dave Whelan gets cock rot but the disgusting old cunt has probably already had it a few years. He's a piece of shit.
  12. Best thing about Wigan is that once they've gone down, they're likely to stay down, and thank fuck for that. Desperately hope we get rid of the horrible bastards this year, and hope McManaman ends up playing for fucking Macclesfield, the despicable shitbag. Suppose I'll have to go to bed now, God I'm still in a foul mood. Yeah, I don't see them coming back up if they were to drop. We fucking gift them the difference between them staying up and going down every single year though. Having said that, we've played shit at Wigan before and lost completely on merit: today we were done over by that fucking piece of shit Halsey (as well as playing crap) and it makes my blood boil tbh. I remember when he was off getting his cancer treated and a lot people across all mediums said he was one of the better refs etc... either they forgot in his absence that he's a fucking useless cunt or the standard of refereeing in our league is worthy of none of this 'respect!!11!' bullshit the FA peddle all the time.
  13. Pilko

    Alan Pardew

    Forget the tactics, result and all that - I was fucking livid to see him once again refusing to blame the referee one bit. We were absolutely done over today, despite the largely shit performance. The non decision on the red card, the handball for the winner, the corner we randomly didn't get (tbf like that would have mattered ) and the constant free kicks for the slightest bit of nothing challenges against our players. The players are going to start getting the idea that he couldn't really give a fuck about protecting them if he keeps that attitude in his interviews.
  14. I only have two things to say about this game really: The winning goal was a disgrace in terms of the blatant handball and our fucking embarrassing lack of ability to clear our lines And, the referee was a fucking joke from start to finish Those two points said: we always lose at Wigan, it's shit, we all hate it and it's fucking annoying, lets move on from this irritating debacle.
  15. At last, he gives a foul our way! About time, fucking wanker.
  16. Pilko

    Alan Pardew

    What will piss me off today, regardless of the result, is if he comes out with his usual defending the referee speel. He needs to make a point about the Haidara incident and explain how fucking disgraceful it is, fine or not.
  17. Pilko

    Dogawful Officiating

    That was on a par with the Ben Arfa one a few years ago. Absolutely disgraceful.
  18. Yanga-Mbwia and Jonas playing keep-ball on the halfway line and everyone else playing statues.
  19. He's already looked more competent than Santon did there tbf.
  20. I can tell you now, we're not getting anything from this game. Halsey has already decided we're losing it.
  21. Halsey now deciding to give every slight nudge from one of our players as a free kick. Fat cunt.
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