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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. Be a great time to have an over the wall special, just before HT. Come on Ryan.
  2. Obertan can't even perform simple touches and passes. He's a fucking loose cannon.
  3. Get the ball down the left ffs. Tavernier can't operate any attacks with French Squidward getting in his way.
  4. Every good manager has an Achilles heel, a player who is so obviously and clearly shit and yet they still rate. No prizes for guessing who that is. Obercunt.
  5. We're keeping the ball nicely so far. Tavernier looks dead confident in possession. Obertan is still the man who breaks down nearly every attack we have.
  6. We'd probably better double check that Lowes hasn't fallen asleep and melted.
  7. I'm assuming that it's 7 subs and that Simpson is the 19th man?
  8. Nice blend there. Glad Tavernier and Bigirimana are getting starts. Excited!
  9. Best play Cisse imo and then if we're winning take him off, give Campbell the game time. 0-1 will do just fine.
  10. Pilko


    I honestly mean this, but he's exceeded his own low standards with that one. No mistake at all. I reckon about 70% likely we'll see a £10m bid for McGeady on deadline day, what do you think?
  11. I could see Spurs making a late bid for him, especially if VDV goes.
  12. If we want to give Harper a game, it should be in the home tie.
  13. Title change because Luke Edwards has a feeling in his waters?
  14. Really praying that what Pards has said in the past about targets that were previously thought to be out of reach/too expensive suddenly coming out of the woodwork and being available or cheaper in the final few days - so if we want a striker (and I think the fact that Campbell is so close to the first team might give Pards a bit more leverage with it to Ashley) we can get a better one than Carroll for the money. I hope.
  15. Clean sheet is probably the most important thing. We should be scoring past that Itandje too, he's absolutely balls.
  16. Pilko


    Fletcher for £14m is vintage Arty Marty.
  17. I think Ryan Taylor, Williamson, Gosling, Obertan and Marveaux are nailed on to start tbh.
  18. Might be something different but didn't Perch get a first-team ban for a red card he got in the reserves last season? How the fuck does that work?
  19. Reading signed Stuart Taylor, maybe he'll actually get a game for the first time in about 14 years?
  20. Lampard such a wise FF choice.
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