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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. http://www.youtube.com/user/tehTrunkTV#p/u/11/nWzvpGnEW7A This ones even better. Titus
  2. Renewed in April. Don't regret it and I would do it again knowing what I do now.
  3. You were stood next to me in fairness. Probably aided your success a great deal. No fecker wing manned me. I think I managed to repell every piece of gusset in the whole of Newcastle by the time I left. I have definitely lost the touch. You mean... wait... hang on......... you mean - when you took your belt off and danced with it infront of that trio of 16 year olds............... you didn't pull!? Shitttt. brilliant. Yeah, I remember that. Brilliant. I remember Kev thinking that Stu was asking girls if they wanted a threesome wih 'him and Tutankhamun', when really Stu was asking, 'ever had a threesome with two men' Tickled me that. That lass in Skates fuck me, she wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed... Fairly pointy chin mind. I would. Gutted I missed as I was dancing like a twat during. We should really have another night out soonish this one was epic.
  4. Hope you're not purporting salacious rumours Mr Heneage... Whats this John Dobson Street talk I cannot at all remember. Oh and Stu did you end up going back with that lass she was well fit. :lol: I forgot about that. Not guilty. Whats this John Dobson Street talk I cannot at all remember. Oh and Stu did you end up going back with that lass she was well fit.
  5. Obviously the first one was a bitch then. No worries young man we'll have to have another night out where I can regale the many lasses of newcastle about your giant boy parts.
  6. I also enjoyed my bit of wing-manning on Yorkie's behalf. Random Girl: Hi Me: Hi, did you know my mate has a giant penis? Random Girl: Errrr ok Me: It's really big, offensively big in fact. Not that I've seen it or anything though. Random Girl: *awkward silence* Me: Here have his number! Random Girl: *long pause, girl takes number* Me: It's really big you know. She didn't text. Yorkie mate, I failed you.
  7. Disagree with you. It took a deflection which wrong footed him.
  8. It was absolutely amazing, feel like arse this morning though. My dad took a thousand photos, the team ones look ace.
  9. But watching the game Barca made so many pointless backward passes. The amount of times I was urging them to pass forwards and take a chance was unreal. Every time Inter had the ball in their half and Barca managed to take if off them they never attacked with any speed. They always allowed the inter players to get back into position with the stupidly slow tempo they played the entire match.
  10. They're all a bunch of cheating cunts to be fair.
  11. What are the chances of Jose going to Madrid? They would be unstoppable.
  12. The referee ruined this match the second he showed that red card. He gave absolutely every single tap ensuring there wasn't any fluidity to the game.
  13. Hope Chelsea absolutely stuff them. Just got back from watching my first 3D game of football (man u vs man city) with a manc fan. Sickening end to that game
  14. Bobby Zamora has now scored six goals in his last seven Europa League appearances for Fulham." from the bbc sport site. So Zamora has scored more goals in Europe than Sunderland as well now.
  15. The Mancs need to get Rooney off if they want to get back into this.
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