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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. Feel so deflated after that. I said I had a bad feeling about this and I'm gutted that I was proved right. Just when you think this club is starting to gain a bit of momentum we fuck up.
  2. http://laowaichinese.net/wp-content/uploads/Episode_4_Han_Solo_and_Chewbacca_1.jpg
  3. converted centre halves i think if its huth and collins. Hmm so our wingers should burn them for pace??? Still don't know what to expect
  4. Looking forward to this but I really haven't got a clue what to expect from Stoke. Hope we don't let them kick lumps out of us and there is plenty of protection for Ben Arfa. Anyone know how good their fullbacks are?
  5. Great reply there. Fact of the matter is Hughton didn't drop Smith as he had no one to replace him with (Tiote only recently signing for the club) and Smith had played ok in the last two games.
  6. I agree but it wasn't another day and we didn't put them away. And that's why today wasn't a complete disaster we created chances despite the fact we lost. I'm glad you got my point in the end.
  7. I thought that Harpers double save on 12 minutes was the best save of the game. Carroll and Barton both had enough time and space to place the ball in an area where the keeper wouldn't have had a chance to save them. Poor finishes - Barton's more so. Fair enough but my point is on another day they would have put away those chances.
  8. I thought that Harpers double save on 12 minutes was the best save of the game. I agree, he didn't have to do it another 4 times though. Did he actually make any saves after that?
  9. Did the Blackpool keeper have to dive to save anything or did the shots hit him? I'll give you the point about injuries unless the injuries were to Nolan or Smith. Howay man you have to admit the saves he pulled off for Barton's chance and Carroll's second chance were both awesome.
  10. The result was woeful, and overall I thought the performance was poor. I wasn't too pissed off at half time but it couldn't be denied that whilst we had most of the ball they had by far the better chances to score. We didn't play as bad as the result suggests granted, but it was pretty bad. We played too much long ball and not enough football. I guess it's a bit obvious to say so but Ben Arfa transformed us in terms of attacking threat IMO. He looked really dangerous and they were scared of him. Should have been on earlier. Agree the result was crap but they had two proper chances I can think of. The Harper save and Campbell goal. We didn't play amazingly, there were a lot of mistakes most noticeably for me from Jonas, Perch and Barton but we still managed to make some decent scoring chances. Completely agree with you on Ben Arfa he looked class when he came on.
  11. If we had scored two we wouldn't have won, we'd have drawn. Also giving 3 points to one of our rivals at the bottom is just about as bad as it gets over 90 minutes at home. If we'd scored earlier we wouldn't have conceded the second in that fashion so I think we probably would have won. It really really isn't as bad as it get's either. Losing while not creating any chances and get several bad injuries to key players would have been as bad as it gets. Our team creating 4 or so clear cut scoring chances and their keeper having a blinder of a game is something else all together.
  12. Some of the comments on here are just hilarious. We didn't play that badly as a team. On another day we would have put two of those chances away and we would have won the game. Their first goal was a moment of madness from Smith and their second was a result of us pushing players forward to get the equaliser. I'm gutted we lost absolutely gutted we lost our unbeaten home record but it's just not as bad as some people are making out.
  13. Tried to use one of my free subs last night but the game wanted to charge me 4 points
  14. The only way that pic could be better would be if the monkey was a sloth......with bling
  15. Only been following since Roeder so my top moment is either the 3-1 vs Boro which I thought would keep was safe from relegation or the 6-0 thrashing of Villa.
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