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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. Vuckic's dad is a muslim so I'd assume so is Vuckic. Then again his dad like my dad isn't really a practicing muslim. My dad for example fasts during ramadan but other wise he drinks alcohol, eats pork and doesn't pray during the day. sure he's not just dieting ? He needs to like but naa
  2. Vuckic's dad is a muslim so I'd assume so is Vuckic. Then again his dad like my dad isn't really a practicing muslim. My dad for example fasts during ramadan but other wise he drinks alcohol, eats pork and doesn't pray during the day.
  3. He's really not. But I agree he's better here than away on loan considering we still have Ameobi and Best. I hope you don't think either of those are better. Ranger is a much better footballer than Ameobi.... not a better finisher yet though. Still I would play him ahead of Shola I can't comment on Best because I really don't have a clue how well he will do with a run of games. After watching the game tonight I really hope that Ranger gets a chance to play in the first team because he was so much better than any other player on the pitch. I also thought Inmann looked good and Tavernier had a gppd game.
  4. I saw the Xisco incident if you could even call it that. Xisco 'lashed out' by tapping their player on the shin and he was given a red card for it.
  5. I think relegation was worth it purely for the chance it gave Carroll to step up as our new number 9. I doubt he would have got the same chance had we stayed in the prem. Also the 19 goals he scored in the championship have really given the lad a confidence boost that is paying dividends now.
  6. Vuckic is playing for Slovenia under 21s so he wont be playing in this match.
  7. I'm annoyed know was expecting this to be done by the time I left work.
  8. Can't believe people are ignoring the goals he scored last year. The first against Forest was a beautiful finish and was so important in pretty much confirming our promotion. Yeah he's not great but the level of hatred levelled at him on this site sometimes is mind boggling. Plus he scores against the mackems.
  9. Liverpool agree fee for Mascherano. I don't like it
  10. Somone said they played a cup game last night. I'm hoping it was full of first teamers = them knackered.
  11. http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/5382/photo113x.jpg Didn't think you'd actually do it.
  12. I switched him in for this weekend for a healthy 14 points Me too, result Had him on the bench but he's ended up 'playing' as Rooney's ill
  13. Just reading the comments on the villa forum before the game: Couldn't help but giggle. But what a game! Best home match I've been to and it was so cathartic beating the bastards who sent us down.
  14. I've got Carroll, Noaln and Harper on my bench but luckily I've just seen that Rooney isn't in the Man U squad so Carroll will come on Really didn't think I would be hoping for that earlier today.
  15. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANajChhScADKjM:http://blogs.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/worldcup/SteveMcClaren.jpg&t=1 "Schucess isch mine!" I can't wait for his German accent.
  16. Surprised there wasn't another club in for him sooner tbh.
  17. Sky are normally so far off the mark these days with us, I doubt thats the case. If it is, bye bye. Of course it won't be Smith as a striker I was face palming due to their stupidity there is no way Smith will play up front.
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