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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. Why do you have to be an established premier league team to play decent football? Swansea are playing their football on the ground and will stay up, Norwich are playing some decent stuff as well. At the end of the day Pulis chose to play this kind of football and the majority of your fans have accepted it (cheering a throw in for fucks sake). I'd have thought Stoke fans would have got used to the comments on their style of play, but obviously not if you have to register onto another teams forum to moan about it. Man up, take part in the discussion or fuck off. It's the same shit they've been peddling for years. Once we're "established" we'll start trying to play football. Bullshit, total bullshit. They've been in the league for 4 years, and have made absolutely zero effort to buy players that will help them become a better footballing side. They've ploughed all their cash into the lankiest fucker around, and they're actively developing a successor to Rory Delap. Oh, and they've spent a fuckload as well, it's not like they're the plucky minnows working on a shoestring budget. TLDR = just a bunch of cunts I'm not that fussed with their style, it's Pulis' decision even though it is boring as fuck to watch (but then our match against Swansea was hardly riveting). As we've seen this season it's not particularly effective anymore, teams can handle the Delap throw (hasn't had an assist this season I think?) which leaves them set pieces.
  2. http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u289/Dinomasic/05cc28a5.jpg tbh
  3. Why do you have to be an established premier league team to play decent football? Swansea are playing their football on the ground and will stay up, Norwich are playing some decent stuff as well. At the end of the day Pulis chose to play this kind of football and the majority of your fans have accepted it (cheering a throw in for fucks sake). I'd have thought Stoke fans would have got used to the comments on their style of play, but obviously not if you have to register onto another teams forum to moan about it. Man up, take part in the discussion or fuck off.
  4. Do you have to get in at least five exclamation marks in every post you make?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by The Exile I think we have to tailor the product to the market up here. A lot of people would love to go but just can't afford it. If it was me - I'd be looking to open an official Club Sports Bar in the town and show the matches home and away (Chelsea do something like this in the bar next to the ground iirc, not sure how they get permission to do it mind). A couple of quid entry on a matchday, maybe even a 'pub season ticket'. Because it's in the town centre it's also in a good location to be open through the week and over the whole weekend. Extra revenue stream and all that. Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=691356&page=2#ixzz1ruoNZJEF I like how they're suggesting a pub season ticket, at least they're now accepting where the majority of their fans are.
  6. Nee chance, Raul Garcia on the other hand. Who is Javi Garcia? Why would we have no chance? The Benfica player rated at £20m He's ex-Real Madrid isn't he? Defensive mid? This is FM 10 knowledge being dredged up.
  7. Good squad player but I think with the shrewd signings we've made recently we can definitely get a better player in.
  8. Would take him back for a few million, think he and Ba could playing together would give the team a different dimension.
  9. He would improve any of the top four, with the possible exception of Man City. This lad is something special, it's great having that feeling of expectation and excitement whenever he's on the ball. The only thing I can complain about about is that we didn't give him the ball enough in the second half.
  10. Call people what we like thanks.
  11. Call people what we like thanks.
  12. Call people what we like thanks.
  13. If people have no problem with it then they shouldn't call players like Suarez cheats. They should call him a racist though.
  14. I went over and signed up once I knew it was an April Fool, with the intention of passing some time, then I saw that their match thread was started by Christmas Tree and was just Don't know why but I'm in tears at this post :lol: I also panicked for a few seconds before realising the date. Love this place
  15. Bollocks to that. He simply reacted to what was a clear red card. Had to emphasise it to the ref. Same as Tiote v Sessegmong. Had to go down go make the ref aware. Nah, that's what is bollocks. The reason stuff like that even happens is because of everyone trying to justify it when it's their team. Totally agree with M4, I would like our players to conduct themselves better than that.
  16. Had a class game today, saved Jonas' a few times by putting in some fantastic tackles, but I hate all that play acting shit disappointed with that.
  17. I wonder how he would have turned out if he'd gone to a Liverpool team managed by a good manager.
  18. I know I shouldn't, I really know I shouldn't, but I felt really sorry for him when he walked off the pitch.
  19. Man City are collapsing like a badly made souffle (been watching too many cooking programs).
  20. Zamora is absolutely destroying the Arsenal players, class to watch.
  21. This is terrible news, the best of luck to the lad for the fight ahead I'd like to know if it's myeloid or lymphoid leukaemia, five year survival rates for adults with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is around 40%. His outcome will be heavily dependent upon his cytogenetic (the state of the chromosomes in the leukaemic cells) profile. There are some abnormalities which are indicators of good survival and others which are the opposite, the problem with the adult form of the disease is that it’s more often the poorer genetic abnormalities which are prevalent.
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