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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. I was surprised how well he did as a target man today, he kept winning headers and more importantly kept finding Lovenkrands with his flick ons. Shola and Loven worked better together in that first half than Carroll and Loven / Carroll and Shola ever have imo.
  2. It just doesn't make sense from QPRs point of view. Their team is doing well in the Championship, they're 4 points ahead with a game in hand to their closest rivals and are owned by a group of million/billionaires. I would assume that they don't desperately need the cash they would get for Taarabt unless it was ridiculous £££.
  3. Eh? Jonas, not Ash. Why would signing Taarabt mean the end of Jonas/him out of the side? Because i'm an optimist.
  4. Wouldn't mind Charlie Adam at all. On a different note, GM could you change your avatar it's really offensive to my delicate eyes :-[ It's either Dappy or James Corden in the bathtub with Beckham. You choose. Bring on the soapy Corden Done. Complete with midds quote tribute. Much better
  5. £? Because he have loads of that don't we? Do you know how much we have for transfers? I'd asume following the Ashley model that we don't have 3-4mill to spunk on Adel Taarabt
  6. I can't see why QPR would sell one of their most influential players when they are pushing for promotion this season.
  7. Wouldn't mind Charlie Adam at all. On a different note, GM could you change your avatar it's really offensive to my delicate eyes :-[ It's either Dappy or James Corden in the bathtub with Beckham. You choose. Bring on the soapy Corden
  8. Wouldn't mind Charlie Adam at all. On a different note, GM could you change your avatar it's really offensive to my delicate eyes :-[
  9. I disagree she was the best thing about tonights show. Have a deeks at this mumbo jumbo. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/columnists/article5568992.ece I counter that with this gem: She has boobs
  10. He'll fail miserably. He really should melt back into a decent coaching role and forget all about being a manager ever again. Did he shag your mam or something? When Crumpy came out of the womb, he looked up at his mum and told her that she wasn't good enough. I genuinely lol'ed
  11. I disagree she was the best thing about tonights show.
  12. I get it too. He has one of those faces. He kind of looks a bit like Xerxes from the 300 movie
  13. Wor Andy's hardly going to be winning any Nobel prizes any time soon.
  14. Aye but he is like AC in that he wants to play for the club he supports & no one else. Ok didn't know that, makes it even less likely. Good on him though
  15. Randomly I would love Agbonlahor. Would love to see a partnership between himself and Carroll. It'll never happen like but thats my one attacking player.
  16. What the fuck was Ray Wilkins doing while he was at Chelsea? The only thing I can think of is pumping those old bastards full of steroids.
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