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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. I'm shocked that I'm not shocked by the news. Mike comes through again with yet another absolutely baffling decision, but it's ok I'm sure he'll learn from this experience.
  2. I think all managers and players should agree to get tagged so we know their whereabouts all times. Would make days like these a tiny bit easier to bear. Would also make the transfer window more fun.
  3. Norich boss? Don't know anything about him apart from he got them promoted form the league 1. Where are these rumours coming from then?
  4. Refuse to believe it until there has been an announcement by the club
  5. I hope he gives more than the last time we went down. He probably will seeing as he's club captain now and is looked up to by our best striker plus no doubt the majority of the squad.
  6. Its nowt to do with people having the right to be angry or not, its about thinking about the consequences before you act on that anger. Everyone here is angry (well 99%) and everyone here would probably feel much better after they protested against that fat twat. But making ourselves feel better isn't the most important thing. If I thought for a second that a protest would remove Ashley I'd do it, but we all know it won't. What probably will happen is Ashley putting the club up for sale and in limbo with a temporary manager like Kinnear for the rest of the season which would seal our relegation. Someone tell me how a protests helps NUFC and I'll join you. We should give a big show of support for Hughton, NOT a direct protest against Ashley or the club in general. Fair point, it's not about making ourselves feel better but with the seeming appointment of Pardew imminent it doesn't appear that Mike has learn't a lot from his tenure as owner of our club. What must be becoming evident to the people who follow Newcastle United is that Ashley is to put it simply not good at his job (to put it mildly). He has in his short time here managed to stumble into calamity after calamity, and I think it is in the best interest of this club for the fans to band together and do the only thing we can, protest. I've never hated Ashley. I even like the fact that the man is unwilling to spend ridiculose amounts of money on players, aiming for the club to be debt free in the future. Creating an efficient club with a smaller more tight knit group of players. In contrast to the bloated money haemorrhaging monstrosity that is man city. I logically (or so I assumed) thought that the man would want to protect his investment, and while the sacking of Keegan was a terrible thing for our club I thought that he as a self made billionaire would have plenty of backup plans to safe guard our club (his investment) from failure. I didn't even consider relegation to be a possibility when Keegan was sacked, my optimism began to fade with the appointment of Kinnear. My opinion of the man has been plummeting since. I don't want to protest on saturday. I love my club and I love going to watch football at St. James Park, it's the highlight of my week win lose or draw. But if Pardew or some other has been is appointed to replace Chris Hughton I will no longer sit on the fence and hope for things to get better. It's a horrible thing being a football fan in our position in this day and age, we have no power at all to influence our club. The only way we can act, the only choice we have been left with is to act against Ashley and by extension our club. Teasy I know that if I and other like minded fans protest on saturday that it will hurt Newcastle United. But do you really not think that if we got fifty thousand fans to boycott the game (extreme example) that Ashley would realise that we can in fact hurt him. The only thing we can do is stop giving him our money. But that's our catch-22, we can't hurt what we hate without hurting what we love. It's a horrible decision which will no doubt now split our fans in two. I fear we have dark times ahead. Reading over that it's a bit bloody dramatic eh?
  7. If Pardew get's the job it will be down to Kevin Nolan to save this club from relegation. Thank god we have such a strong willed captain because our premier league survival depends upon him motivating the players now.
  8. Jol's agent has said the Newcastle job won't be for him, therefor it must be Pardew :'(
  9. I've been out this evening what's happened so far? Has Pardew pretty much got the job then? If so who has reported this there's been nothing on sky sports.
  10. I would now take 17th place. The players are not going to be happy for a long while no matter who comes in and this wil probably transfer onto the pitch.
  11. Pretty pathetic some of the comments here tbh. People have a right to be angry no matter who the next manager we appoint is. Chris Hughton did a lot for this club under ridiculous restrictions and our owner has treated him like a piece of trash. My patience with the man has ran out, what would he have to do to warrant a protest from you Bob? Shit on your carpet and wipe his arse with your curtains perhaps?
  12. "There's only one way to find out!" FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!
  13. Completley agree with you this is totally dependent on the next manager he hires. As I have given up trying to apply any logic to anything Mike does however I'm bracing myself for another major fuck up.
  14. Sadly none of Ashley's decisions have been made with anything like the logic you suggest, the man's a mong. Tbf, he's a Billionaire, he may not know football but somethings triggered this. He won't appoint someone like Pardw, Curbs, it'll be someone with some kind of prestige, whether that be a shit manager or not. You've got far too much faith in Ashley. He's consistantly shown he is a moron.
  15. The thing is out of the people being touted for the job MON is one of the best options. Personally I would love Moyes but that just isn't going to happen.
  16. How can he be serious? the only person in this forum who support the decision ...... Hate him I said yesterday that I thought he was on the verge, but I also said I didn't support it. I also said in this thread that it was too soon. How much more do you couple of idiots want? Sorry didn't read what you wrote yesterday I don't really follow what you say religiously. I jumped the gun a bit but your post did imply that it was the right thing to sack Hughton and your 'cracks appearing' after two games comment pissed me off
  17. Ronaldo are you actually serious? We've been on a bad run recently but you don't fucking sack your manager after the first bad run of your season, it's completley mental.
  18. Ah well the traditional thrashing by Liverpool at home is coming up again.
  19. O'neil has to be lined up or this is the stupidest move by Ashley yet. How has the man got so little fucking loyalty?
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