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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. Bunch of cunts tbh nothing big or clever about what they did.
  2. Merry Christmas kids hope the presents are awesome
  3. I'd add Shola into that as well. Carroll is the only striker we have who i'd say is Premier League quaility. Shola just gets the nod as he's usually seen as the least shit of all the rest, which is massively open to debate anyway.
  4. Ronaldo wins again. I would think that raiding the up and coming Southampton players would be a good start for our youth transfer policy. I saw on sky yesterday that Fulham and Arsenal are trying to sign a Southampton youth.
  5. Yeah Charlie Adam no doubt agrees with you............ Yeah I was going to mention this. The club were complete wankers over the whole thing tbh.
  6. He'll be appointed Ambassador of Endor when he retires.
  7. Shola will never leave this club. He will hang around forever, like a benign tumor that you just can't dig out. After he retires as a player he will become a coach then one day manager and eventually owner.
  8. http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/7059/finaldy.png Uploaded with ImageShack.us Huzzzah!
  9. Just saw the the Maradona article at least we're not that mental.
  10. It's kind of hard to hate him as much as I did before reading that article
  11. That pic of Nolan is a wonderful simely waiting to happen. Did anyone notice that he could barely walk at times during the match on saturday? I don't think he was fully fit after his injury, but he went ahead and played anyway knowing that the team needed him. Love big Kev even if he is a bit frustrating at times.
  12. Do they have much money though? not notably though he can have shola And Perch. And Best.
  13. It seems every time our fans go mental and support our team to the hilt we get a home win. Villa = resentment for relegation. Sunderland = obvious. Liverpool = Chris. What an emotionally draining match that was. Was almost in tears for Carroll's goal, never been so emotional at a football match before. The sheer sense of relief and surprise when it went in was amazing, what a fucking crazy week it's been.
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/m/man_city/9279311.stm Just seen this on the beeb!
  15. Don'y worry lad you wont see a thing with your head stuck so deep in the sand.
  16. At least you got some money out of it mate. Wish I'd but some cash on him on monday now.
  17. Five and a half. How? How the fuck is it five and a half fucking years?
  18. Who could have guessed that the Chelsea match would be the last time he waved his little hands at us as we sang his name
  19. God if the fans he sat with when he first bought the club had had an inkling of what was to happen he would have had his head torn off
  20. This isn't about stopping supporting the club it's about hurting Ashley. Unfortunately the two are one and the same. I've got my season ticket but I don't know what to do tbh. I know I'm not renewing next season if he's still here though.
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