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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. amended Hmm it was supposed to be a sarcastic comment. I dont think I picked the correct smiley
  2. We are pretty fucked now. They will kill us on the counter when we try to attack. Get Tiote off and get Ranger on!
  3. Pointless. Absolutely pointless. You are all missing Pardew's genius, we are going to wear Spurs out for 80 minutes shutting shop, then when they are too fucked to attack anymore we got 4 up front and grab a couple. The man is fucking amazing. Ah the old 4 up front at the end of the match fm tactic. Always works against me
  4. I hope it's Barton off Carroll. Could work. Why? Barton hardly ever gets that far forward these days. If Pardews plays him off Carroll he is already forward. Why Barton there though? He doesn't have the mobility of Routledge if we are playing 4-4-1-1 and is much more important in midfield. He's a good player but can't play every role. Because if it's not Barton it's either Tiote or Smith.
  5. Then Krul will finish things off with a scorpion kick for a comfortable 6-0
  6. Tbf Kadar was rubbish when he played as a fullback in the championship. Playing him against Bale for his first Prem start would just be cruel.
  7. Barton of Carroll might work but we need him to influence the game more so playing him as an attacking mid could harm us more.
  8. Perch is fast he can keep up with him.......:trying to see the bright side of Perch:
  9. Enrique's out? Yep hamstring. That's an onion in the ointment thats an awful saying that like Dino Been quoting it ever since I heard grampa Simpson say it. Perch......
  10. Enrique's out? Yep hamstring. That's an onion in the ointment
  11. They haven't kept a clean sheet since the first match of the season + Gomez is a bit of a spaz = goal from set piece for us. We'll still lose mind.
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