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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. I've missed the whole Luis Enrique talk as I'm wathing adverts about the hottest cleats on the market
  2. I know he's only played two games in the middle this season but I am seriously starting to lose patience with Guthrie
  3. Wish we would start playing football rather than just pointlessly hoofing it up again and again and again.
  4. Wathing the man city game and the stadium is as quiet as the grave. Oh they just scored and there was a bit of a shout. Ballotelli looks like he's had enough of manchester already
  5. Rangers have such a shit attitude they really are just going to camp in front of their goal and hope for a draw.
  6. You'll be asking to see CV's next, with two character references. As long as you want to sing mate that should be the only thing that should qualify you for the singing section.
  7. I've been thinking about this recently as well and I completely agree with Wullie. I've only had a season ticket for the last 2 seasons but the difference in atmosphere between some of the matches has been huge. I understand that anytime we play Sunderland will be huge and the atmosphere will match the occasion but I would love if the we as fans could up our game a bit. I sit in the Milburn stand and it is absolute rubbish! I don't really start chants as I'm a bit shy unless I'm well pissed but every time a chant is started in the singing section I join in. More often than not though I'm completely alone which after the first half or so I just give up. The idea for the singing section was inspired by the club, you only needed to be at the Arsenal cup match to realise how hard it is to start an atmosphere when fans who want to sing are split up. That game was the worst match I'd ever been to atmosphere wise, I don't mind losing to Arsenal 4-0 if we at least sing a bit and encourage the lads but there was zero atmosphere which was even worse as I was sitting next to the away fans with their "Where's your famous atmosphere song". It was my lasses first game and she asked me if the home crowed were always that quiet! I don't think this problem is specific to Newcastle though, you only have to see some of the European fans that come to this country to see amazing support. If anyone saw the man city european cup game against that random Polish side will know what I mean. Those lads sang their hearts out and they even pulled off some choreographed moves which looked awesome on the telly. I'm talking when they all turned their backs to the pitch grabbed each other around the shoulder and started jumping up and down like they were mental. I fucking wanted to be there! I've seen home matches in Bosnia and Croatia where you get crowds of 3k max but of that 3k a thousand lads will be singing literally through the entire game win or lose it's pretty cool, even inspiring. There’s always at least one lad with a loudspeaker orchestrating the fans they actually organise themselves a bit before games so there are a few leaders to keep the chants going. I totally understand that some people won’t want to do that, they want to sit down and enjoy the game without having to shout themselves hoarse but I’d rather lose a match shouting my head of supporting my team than sitting quietly muttering at the refs decisions. I’ll be moving to the singing section at the end of this season, I think the matches will be a lot better win or lose.
  8. Wouldn't mind Fletcher from Wolves. How much did they pay for him in the summer?
  9. I'd rather we'd lost to Arsenal and beaten these cunts tbh. Or I'd rather we'd just won both games, Jesus for some reason I'm more pissed off with Williamson than Tiote but they both made pretty big mistakes. I wouldn't be as annoyed if we'd actually made some decent chances but once again we only really had a single chance and put it away. I'm really worried about saturday now, players will be tired and demoralised but at least Fulham also lost.
  10. Yes, it is possible; however, it's not what has happened. It just seems that without a rubbish result to pin against him for a couple of weeks, some are actually realising that he's not an overweight, under-skilled antichrist - just a decent player who is committed to the club.
  11. What a beauty of a day. Started at Sam Jacks at 10 a with Kev insisting Jager Bombs were a good accompliment to pints. Ending with me screaming my self hoarse for the full 90 mins. Still can't b elive it. Also seeing the bloke in Sam Jacks gag over his pint of cream was pretty funny mint day with a'great group of lads' I love Chris Hughton
  12. Just bought a new pair of shoes, really comfy and get my feet dry. Just a bit worried that they won't clean my carpet for me
  13. Enjoyed the game I thought Duffy dominated at the back for us. Venkman dominated the midfield and Heza and Kev just never stopped running the entire match. Scoreline didn't really reflect the game as there were two wonder strikes from the blues. Great day yesterday but I'm still hung over
  14. Im sorry but he's set up goals for NNolan and Colo so they're not that bad.
  15. I'm not a hundred percent sure if Andy and Chris are going to be coming it depends on their work.
  16. If it was Barton there would have been a lot longer than 10 secs on the subject on match of the fucking day
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