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Doctor Zaius

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Everything posted by Doctor Zaius

  1. TBH If we got a manager in tomorrow he'd stay. Though We all know thats not going to happen.
  2. AHHHHHHHHHHH IVE JUST CAME IN MY PANTS :frantic: First of many for young Ranger!
  3. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11678_5425512,00.html Didnt these gobshitting twats supposedly lodge a bid months ago? If they were that interested they would have bid back in May rather than taking 2 whole months just to table a bid. Personally I think Mr Mcmahon is talking out of his arse and is doing nothing more than using our club to get a bit of publicity for the profitble group.
  4. I'm getting totally sick of all this bollocks. Bored of it all now. Theres no progress at all, the profitable group, these malaysian fuckers and any other group of gobshites linked with a bid are all lies. i can see it now, we're not getting sold, theres nowt going on. I can honestly only see one outcome to this shit saga, Lambias, Orville or some other inept cronie of Ashley coming out and confirming there has been no substantial concrete interest.
  5. Sorry if its already in here but i cba to look. http://www.bernama.com/bernama/v5/newssport.php?id=424000
  6. The players were revolting throughout last season.
  7. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/spo...cle6643475.ece
  8. I've heard its supposed to be headed by Multi-Billionaire Ananda Krishnan
  9. What in general? Well he is from Ashington, that's an above average IQ there. Now we'll have less of that please!
  10. Newbiggen? As in Newbiggen by the sea? Why the hell would they want to play in Newbiggen of all places, Ive played their a couple of times and once some fella rode straight across the green on his quadbike followed by his mate on a horse just as i was about to put my ball.
  11. Does this mean they've gone through due dilligence and the deal is effectively almost done?
  12. I agree. Lock or delete this thread. I have said this a million times: They don't matter. We could be playing conference football and they could win the European Cup every year and we'd still be better than them... and although they try to hide from this fact they know it too... hence the inferiority complex. What? So we're not allowed to discuss the inbreds from down the road now? They're our rivals, we're allowed to have the odd thread on them however they go futher than that, way futher.
  13. They're obsessed man. Theres no other way of putting it. Mackems would rather see us Fail just a little bit more than them then there own little club succeed. Sad isnt it. # And as for that Forum, I took a trip onto the RTG Sad Mackem Board the other day and on the front page they had more topics about Newcastle than they did about their own club. I was astonished, nothing in perticular was even going on at Newcastle that day, infact it was only days after they'd appointed Bruce. Un-fucking-beilevable ;D ;D It's so blatently obvious why they're obsessed and more concerned with us than their own club. Over the last 14 years we've dominated North east football which has led to them developing an inferiority complex so much that they're obsessed with Newcastle United. They're bitter as fuck as well. They know they'll never experience what we've experienced; they know they'l never experience the thrill of a Premier league title race (twice) They know they'l never experience the San Siro (have you ever seen a mackem in milan ) the Stade Veledrome, The Nou Camp, The del Alpi in a competitive Fixtures. They know they'll never finish in the top 4 or top 6, they'll never ever get those fantastic European nights we had such as that night in Rotterdam or beating Juventus 1-0. They know they'll never challenge with the big boys. They know that we've experienced the big time and they quite frankly havn't and never will. We'll forever have those memories, memories those bitter mackem bastards can only dream of and thats why their bitter and obsessed. What have they got to tell their grand kids about? When they went to SJP and sneaked a draw or when we went to Milan, Turin and won etc. This is their high time, this is their success, this is their big time and what a shit big time it is.
  14. Those 'tards at wikipedia are considering deleting his wikipedia page! Dont they realise who he is. Delete it at your peril wikipedia!
  15. Delighted with this. Top class full back. Top class guy. It's obvious Shearer likes him, can anyone remember when Shearer was marked out of the two legs V Marsielle in the semi final oif the Uefa cup? It was Habib Beye who had shearer tucked away nicely in his top pocket. Cracking premiership player never mind championship.
  16. The only reason the fucker has pledged his future to the club is because he knows that he will not pick up 60K a week anywhere else. Ship him out please.
  17. Doctor Zaius


    For me it's obvious what the Xisco case has been all about. We've signed him for a set fee and the rest of the deal will be payed after he's made so many First team appearances. We've then realised he's either A. Shit and no worth paying the money for. or B. We cant afford to pay the rest of his fee. That's why i reckon we'll ship him off in the summer never to hear from him again
  18. Have you been injured at work? Looking to claim after an accident that wasnt your fault?
  19. The age cheating debate is an interesting one. Not long ago I was told of 3 players that are heavily suspected of age cheating. Bartholemew Ogbeche, Ni Lamptey, Isaac Asare were the names. Only Ogbeche is still playing (valladolid?) I think. Most of the suspicsion is though brought about by the fact that at the youth world championships theres always African players that look capable of having the potential to become great yet normally fade away into nothingness once they've been signed up by European clubs. Who knows, maybe African boys are just more developed at a younger age...
  20. Wow there's a few blasts from the past in that list. Lawal, West, Babangida, Finidi, Ockocha... I'll always remember that Sunday Oliseh goal against Spain to knock them out in 98'. You missed out Mutiu (sp) aswelll, I seem to remember him being a canny player. Is Augustine Ockocha and Jay Jay Ockocha not the same person? Anyway to critisize them for not winning the ACN every other year is a silly and uninformed view. There are plenty of good teams in Africa. Cameroon, Senegal, Tunisia, Egypt, Mali, South Africa, Ghana and The Ivory coast have all had good squads that could easily match Nigeria's over the years. African football has done well for a continent blighted by War and unstability aswell as most countries being 3rd world Africa has produced some of the worlds finest players.
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