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Everything posted by ChrisMcQuillan

  1. Pancrate was immense at RB. Who we played against that time? Must have been Peterborough at home True.
  2. NUFC: Tim Krul, Ryan Taylor, Fabricio Coloccini, Mike Williamson, Danny Simpson, Wayne Routledge, Alan Smith ©, Danny Guthrie, Joey Barton, Shola Ameobi, Leon Best
  3. Seen it before. Pretty sure it's a fake, but I really do like it.
  4. I think we'll see: Krul Simpson Williamson Kadar Enrique Routledge Butt Nolan Barton Lovenkrands Carroll Subs: Harper, Coloccini, S. Taylor, R. Taylor, Guthrie, Smith, Ameobi
  5. Doubt it, we are linked every year it seems in the press with no end result. More than likely scouting a number of potential targets from both sides tbh It was definitely Seb Larsson the scout was sent to keep an eye on.
  6. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs506.snc3/26569_387456944073_727144073_3797534_8137800_n.jpg :lol:
  7. ChrisMcQuillan


    Damn, I've never seen that mentioned on here. It was absolutely sensational. Full elastico and left the Derby defender in a heap if I remember correctly. Gutted I never saw that.
  8. It's probably Guthrie keeping that druid chick away.
  9. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=602285206 ?? doesn't describe this human. She's 23 . Still if she was up for it, can't say I would say no. I think i rather bum Danny Guthrie tbh. :lol:
  10. Needs lessons off Barton & Carroll tbh Last thing we need is him going to attack the ball with a glass or a cigar. just carroll then So, just a glass?
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