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Everything posted by ChrisMcQuillan

  1. ChrisMcQuillan


    Quite a lot of people from Derry consider themselves to be from the Republic of Ireland, rather than Northern Ireland anyway. That said, the stuff he's said on Twitter is utterly ridiculous. It's such a tedious, outdated and utterly pathetic worldview at the end of the day. On a side note, a tarantula-esque spider just ran across my floor and scared the shit out of me.
  2. ChrisMcQuillan


    If you're from Derry, you pretty much have the politics behind it engrained in you. He'll know of the politics behind it. But I do agree that the refusal to wear it falls pretty hollow when you're being paid by an English club, and living here. And if Argentinian players can bring themselves to wear it, as has been said, then let's be honest you should probably grow up and leave the sectarianism out of it. The actions of the British Army in Ireland were truly appalling, but they were faced with similar. It was a war, it's in the past. I'm Northern Irish as well, coincidentally, and don't have a "side".
  3. Pretty sure Tiote was standing at Central with a friend chatting to some police at about 2.30.
  4. Where to start... That was relegation era stuff. Devoid of any ideas, movement, imagination or drive. We can't master the fundamentals of pass and move. We look like we're playing blindfolded. It's absolutely turgid, and has just been getting worse. I'm not spending another £50 for me and my girlfriend to go watch them if they can't even play fucking football. So utterly dire. Set plays. We've probably had about 500 corners since the last one we scored from. The floated ball to Williamson is the worst tactic ever created at the club. It hasn't worked since Nolan and Carroll, so either sign them again or stop using it. Cisse is utterly awful at present. What has happened to the man? It's abysmal stuff. Any word on whether Jonas has broken his leg yet?
  5. Funnily enough this is the sort of game I was really confident in last season, Pardew got us to the point where we were picking up the points we 'should' be getting. What's changed? Alan Smith isn't around to provide that dressing room steel.
  6. Yet the article states that in the given time period they bought Hazard, Mata and Cahill, among others, "without any major sales." Am I missing something here? Could be some account fiddling. Adding the value of the incoming transfer to the value of the squad overall, therefore negating the transfer fee and absorbing it into the "equity" of the club, so to speak.
  7. Elliot Tavernier Coloccini Williamson Ferguson Tiote Bigirimana Obertan Marveaux Sammy Shola
  8. I thought Anita was superb once moved centrally for us. Worked his heart out and disrupted so much of their play.
  9. He'd never get booked, but the only reason Tiote feels the need to lunge in the way he does is to make up distance lost because of Colback.
  10. I think when you view the Tiote incident in isolation, it's touch and go. If it was Cattermole on Cabaye, we'd be complaining it wasn't a red. I think it's a yellow, definitely. But if Tiote's is a red then the kick on Ameobi is a a minimum yellow, if not red, as has been said on here. Hopefully the intensity with which we played in the first half pre-red card can be carried into our next games. We'll need it against West Brom.
  11. ChrisMcQuillan


  12. Reina Johnson Terry Skrtl Evra Suarez Cattermole Young Owen Rooney Van Persie
  13. I've said for years there's corruption in refereeing. Anywhere where that much money is at stake, and with a governing organisation such as FIFA, it's naive to believe there won't be corruption. RVP not being charged, for the reason listed above, is just the latest in a long line of evidence.
  14. Completely disagree. Harper had no chance. I thought he did incredibly well to almost get a hand to it.
  15. I'm tired of having Williamson and Perch at CB because our brilliant chairman didn't see the need of bringing a CB during the summer. f***ing laughable.
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