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Everything posted by ChrisMcQuillan

  1. Colin is a statistical marvel. When you tweet that much shit, even a broken clock is right twice a day. And yet he's never, ever correct.
  2. Probably just for the experience. Why's he in the squad, then?
  3. If he goes, we'll get someone to play to Cisse's strengths instead of detracting from them.
  4. You had to laugh on the commentary today when they were talking about Puncheon. "He was working in a factory a few years ago, but my, doesn't he look like quality now?" Yep. Says everything.
  5. Should be 6-0 Southampton.
  6. I'd say, in all honesty, we're about 50/50 to go down again at this rate.
  7. I'm with littlelunchbox on this.
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