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Everything posted by ChrisMcQuillan

  1. http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/f-this.gif
  2. ChrisMcQuillan

    Loïc Remy

    I'm glad we spend two years scouting players to lose them in the last half hour. Pathetic from the club.
  3. Think that that's perhaps overly cynical. A face or two in, and I don't see why we can't grab an away win at Villa, a home win against Stoke and home win against Fulham/Mackems, as well as a draw against WHU away. Not 'easy', but that results table really would be a worst case scenario.
  4. No coincidence that with him and Santon on the left, we kept a clean sheet and Santon looked better. Unfortunately, he doesn't offer enough. What he offers is often easy to miss, with strong workrate and willingness to receive the ball. But his attacking play is diabolical, and has been since Enrique left. We're carrying him at the moment, but we're definitely weaker without him as there's no alternatives that offer the positives he does.
  5. Voted 5 last time. Now gone for an 8. Please note that that's as things stand, with Debuchy in for Ba. I just can't see our form improving dramatically given our injury luck this season and lack of signings. Two more quality players in, none out, and we'll be fine.
  6. Be really sad to see him go, won't lie. Been a great striker for us.
  7. It's nice to see that most people here are pretty agreed on what needs to change, and it seems like that opinion carries through to the wider fan base judging by comments through United For Newcastle's Facebook page. Certainly an attitude shift from the summer, when far more of the general fan base (not so much this forum) were willing to 'wait and see' how it panned out.
  8. If investment doesn't materialise, what can be done? Watch MA get the club relegated again?
  9. It's clear what we need. Everyone except MA can see what we need. The concern is that what happens if/when what we need isn't fulfilled? Do I honestly believe we'll patch the holes in our squad based on our track record? No I don't.
  10. It's become rather apparent that we're in a very difficult situation, and I suppose our only solace is the approaching January window. Not reinforcing is not an option to any rational person, but unfortunately Mike Ashley probably doesn't see it that way. Ending the window with an equal number of players is not out of the question, but would almost certainly be damaging. If Ashley doesn't want to spend the money, then Pardew has to go. It has fallen apart under his watch, and while he's been terribly unfortunate with injuries, there is still enough talent on the pitch to have picked up far more points than he has through insane tactical decisions and his determination to play both Ba and Cisse. The "no more" shout to the players today directly before the collapse worries me to no end. It was clear our defence was weak as hell, and so he wanted to defend a draw for 30 minutes when we desperately need points? Look what happened. That decision may have been sparked by the number of players out injured and exhausted, but nonetheless, it's of concern. If Ashley is willing to splash the cash, reinforcements are needed. The bare minimum to salvage anything from this season is a top quality CB, RB and a replacement for Ba should he leave. The minimum cost here is probably something like £20m for all three. Sadly, I just can't see it happening. It would be so out of character for Mike Ashley. Even if he does choose to bring all three in, I can see him selling Williamson and Simpson to "raise funds", leaving us with no increase in squad depth whatsoever. I'm genuinely concerned about the direction of the club at present, and it would take a fairly miraculous U-turn in policy from Ashley and Llambias to rectify the season. For the record, I don't want to see Pardew sacked. I'd like him to be the man to take us forward, but if he's not going to get backed by Ashley, and Ashley isn't going to sell, someone else needs to do the job. Ironically, someone like Hughton who can get the best out of the few players available. We're in big, big trouble folks. What are your honest predictions for what will happen in January, and can they redeem anything from this season?
  11. It should be a criminal offence that we haven't found a better RB than Simpson in three years.
  12. Redknapp jealous we had Ameobi to bring on. Maybe the world has ended.
  13. Krul Simpson Williamson Coloccini Santon Obertan Anita Bigirimana Marveaux Ameobi Ba
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