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Big River

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Everything posted by Big River

  1. happy to see Man U haven’t improved in the slightest. gonna be a long old season of grinding out spawny 1-0 wins and convincing themselves Ten Hag is a good manager. maybe they’ll spend another billion pounds and paper over some more cracks.
  2. wasn’t someone on here the other day saying Old Trafford had a better atmosphere than SJP? like a fucking morgue.
  3. wat. I posted that well before kick off, to pile the pressure on Ten Hag and it’s clearly worked.
  4. Man Poo should be winning this by at least 4. Wolves are honking.
  5. Hall seems like a Howe type player/signing. might as well get him out of Chelsea and save his career. he’ll have him starting for England within a year or two!
  6. think you’re getting mixed up with Jamie Orrell who freelances for us and other premier league clubs.
  7. lets not start this again, please. (but Chris Wood was a good signing)
  8. too late, it's already caught on. unlucky
  9. like I said though, it's probably the Bobby thing. but I can't remember Mourinho ever saying anything bad about us or acting like a cunt during the games/pressers. I'm heavily NUFC-biased, so wouldn't pay Klopp any attention if he wasn't keep chirping on about us. I'd turn on me own nan if she started slagging Eddie and the boys.
  10. Brighton will never be scary. they're good operators, no doubt. but the club is tinpot and they'll always sell their best players no matter what.
  11. Dubravka had a pretty class debut against Man Utd didn't he? wor Sandro was absolutely sensational yesterday. was surprised to see Eddie putting him straight in, but once again, a managerial masterstroke.
  12. mental. he's not even that good
  13. oh look, Klopp being awful again. him and his team stink
  14. the chant is alright, only bit I don't like is the "hates fucking Sunderland" line. he probably doesn't even know who they are should be "hates fucking Inter", or something else entirely.
  15. got to the Gallowgate just before 5 and there were zero queues. boop. straight in!
  16. eeeeee am excited me! what's everybody doing for the match tomorrow then? where yas gan? eating? drinking? what you wearing? any matchday rituals or superstitions? meeting friends for a little wander down South Shields coast in the morning. get some sea air into me lungs before I fill them with Guinness. might even have an ice cream from Minchella's if it isn't baltic. get ourselves back into town for some scran (probably Meat Stack) and a couple jars. probably Bar Loco, but weather dependant again really. might do Bacchus, might do the Old George. Mad Mick's would be a laugh but haven't been able to get in since the start of last season. might even do Shearer's because why the bloody hell not?! the world really is our oyster. howay ya bastards!
  17. I'll be getting in nice and early for dem vibez as well. going to be interesting to see how many heed cases have made it back in the upper Gallowgate this season. I hope there's plenty. kick off time, new standy up area, and occasion means it should be absolutely rocking! HOWAY YOU BLOODY MAGS! kick it in the net as many times as you can, and just try your best overall
  18. aye, possibly. that was Merhdad wasn't it?
  19. ah, I've always liked Mourinho. still do! I think he's playing a character most of the time. plus he loves Bobby and clearly likes us a bit too. always thought he'd end up here at some point, although his football is a bit dire these days.
  20. he's an insufferable smelly twat
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