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Big River

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Everything posted by Big River

  1. nothing decided, nah. we're just going to float around and go wherever the biggest party is!
  2. great news we're wearing black and white. although it's likely with white socks... hopefully not the same result!
  3. pray to Helios he has a good game tomorrow. howay Maxi
  4. what are they meant to be? look like rugby shirts or something.
  5. howay then... what boxers are they? and what makes you like them?
  6. you'd have to be a right dopey twat to still shop at SD, like.
  7. hope everyone coming up to Newcastle has a bloody brilliant time! I won't be there as I'll be taking over Trafalgar Square, planning for total domination of the vicinity.
  8. if yous are thinking about booking somewhere, it might be worth looking into Liberty House (formerly known as Union Rooms) - they're offering private rooms which would be ideal. https://www.fatsoma.com/e/i10lvfgu/carabao-cup-final-newcastle-vs-man-united
  9. probably bigger fish to fry atm. I'm sure all that stuff will come in the future. but look on the bright side, it'll generate a ton of money for local businesses that desperately need it.
  10. there's something similar upstairs in The Gate now. stick him in there with loads of pound coins and get yourself in Wonder Bar.
  11. this is the one, like. without the Saudi shite though!
  12. they've had architects in since day 1, scoping out expansion. they'll know exactly how vital Strawberry Place is, and exactly what to do with it now it's ours again
  13. ah this is just fantastic news! get in!!
  14. 50-60m you’ll have every major club in world football after him I honestly don’t understand why people get so caught up over transfer fees. it’s not coming out of your pocket, so what difference does it make? what’s the point in being owned by the richest cunts on the planet if we’re not going to make the most of it.
  15. very impressive cameo. came on and played with intensity and purpose. think he’s going to be class for us and hopefully gets in the starting XI asap!
  16. anyone else notice Jones and Tindall chatting it up with Rice after the whistle? Willock and then Tripps n’all. he was immense today. which reminds me… weren’t people on here turning their noses up at him? my gosh. goodness gracious me.
  17. are we meant to know who Baz is?
  18. just woke up from a dream where we won 1-0. make of that what you will.
  19. had a look at the replies...
  20. so bad it's nearly good. definitely needs Captain Tom and Tiote on there somewhere.
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