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Big River

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Everything posted by Big River

  1. they look like something you’d buy from a market stall total pits Castore
  2. aye. in Hughesy's case he could have bought 1 cup ticket for £20 and just not turn up. which benefits nobody. it's a really difficult situation and a hard one to get right. I think they've done the best they can and it seems pretty fair overall.
  3. you’d think so but we wore the white one away at Old Trafford this season. no idea how it works, if there’s a “home” team or what. I mean, why the fuck would we know how any of this works?
  4. wonder what kit we’re going to wear… white/green/green or black&white/black/white
  5. there was a forum, I set it up I've still got loads of old designs and stuff from back then, I'll dig some out tomorrow.
  6. he does say in this interview that Neymar is his favourite player. probably why he loves a dive. which I do hope he tones down a bit, it's canny ridiculous at times
  7. there's about 800 options so I'm sure you'll be fine
  8. he's our number 14 and he plays in attack Mad Mick should replace the ol' boy the booth, he'd get SJP rocking
  9. Wembo hopefully, but London regardless. all booked up Friday - Monday.
  10. you'd hope so! something at St James' a la takeover night would be great.
  11. eh how come? just feel like town will be a bit of an anti-climax with everyone split over the many pubs/bars. plus it's a Sunday, so people will be off home for work the next day. it's a massive occasion and should be treated as such, the usual match day routine will not suffice! for me, anyway people should do whatever they bloody well like.
  12. London, for me. you can watch the match in Newcastle any time. not often you can be part of a Trafalgar Square takeover
  13. think acoustics is one of the biggest problems, the noise just doesn't travel well at all. I sit bang in the middle of upper Gallowgate and it's massively noticeable. the corner and upper gallowgate (west) are never ever in sync. can't hear a thing from any other area in the ground, even from the away fans. also, wish someone would snap the announcers CDs in half, he's absolutely shite.
  14. poor Wood would be getting slated if he was putting in some of these performances. just saying!
  15. Big River

    Ryan Fraser

    I'm not sure he is. but guess we'll see!
  16. just seen it go past the office and got straight on flight tracker. it was a bright green medically looking thing. false alarms lads
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