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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. I hope the away fans storm the fucking pitch. Disgusting from NUFC down to a man. Utter fucking shambles. Fuck the lot of you you fucking cunts.
  2. See my post above mate https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hola-better-internet/gkojfkhlekighikafcpjkiklfbnlmeio?hl=en select english once you've installed the extension and you should be able to listen via the bbc commentary. You are a fucking champ! Thanks a million.
  3. Honestly, I just want a manager who is positive and has a cheerful demeanor. Someone who can get the players to absolutely love playing football again. None of this setting up to nullify the opposition. Just be positive and go out there with the belief that we can beat anyone at any given time. For all his faults, Pardew's biggest mistake was never quite realizing what kind of club we are. He saw us as a club there to make the numbers, who would do really well just to chill in midtable security.
  4. He looks in a right state! Good fucking riddance.
  6. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view/140953/numa-numa-guy-o.gif http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view4/1210076/dimitri-finds-out-about-o.gif
  7. He's probably 5th in the list of adjustments that need to be made to the current starting 11. -No Tiote -No Williamson -No Gouffran anywhere apart from sub striker -Dummet CB and not LB -Colback to be used only in a midfield 3, and when Tiote isn't on the pitch. I'll start complaining about him when they've solved the first 3 or 4 points, and we look a better team.
  8. Horrendous "performance". Should be docked wages for that inexplicable shitness. If his head's elsewhere then don't fucking play him. Utter garbage.
  9. Riviere looking good. Doing the more difficult things well. The goal will come. Tiote fucking hell man! I wonder if the players are feeling light on their feet today. They're certainly playing that way.
  10. A manager who can at least attempt to speak correct English would also be a bonus.
  11. Would love us to go German or Dutch. Preferable to French IMO.
  12. Maybe its an age thing or something, but it really pisses me off people on here calling people mongs when they support their team, i'm 52 now and have missed a handfull of matches in any comp since 1979, i ,and many many like me have been through the seymour regime ,the mckeag regime, such illustrious managers as richard dinnis, bill mcgarry etc etc. this was all watched in one of the worst grounds in the country, with no cover on any standing areas for years. As a bit of a lurker(mainly due to a pathetic typing speed ) I've noticed on average there is about 1-200 ish members regularly on here, with a small number of posters telling other fans who have attended for years that they are a cancer on the club and other tasteful comments, the thing i find strange is that when john ( a lad i knew quite well from hundreds of away games) got murdered going to new zealand to support HIS team everyone was saying what a brilliant fan he is, but because we support a club who has a very strong hardcore ( all similar to john,although he took it further than everyone)and like me will never miss a home game , we are mongs and a cancer on OUR club. As i said i knew john quite well and he would never disrespect anyones opinion, but i honestly think he wouldnt have liked the abuse and the sp campaign. As i say ,it might be an age thing and maybe i've been worn down over the years but i find it incredible that people on here and other social media want us to lose and find no pleasure in us winning, i also know that a certain 'superfan' as some of you mockingly call his like would never ever ever want us to lose. That's all fair enough in context of course, but so were the protests against Pardew. What were your thoughts on him if you could share?
  13. themanupstairs

    John Carver

    During the run of games for which al pards was banned from the stadium, I was really happy that he wasn't polluting the touchline tbh. He was still our manager but it felt good not having him there. This is the real deal. He isn't our manager anymore and I'll be wanting us to beat Burnley as much as I'd want us beating Liverpool or the spackems. Fair enough, I was livid when Carver confronted the fans in order to defend the boss, though. Having a Barça manager that squared off with the fans would be something I could hardly put up with. Mourinho started lose the Madrid fans when he had a go at the Bernabéu fans too. We have a saying in Spanish football; "The fans are sovereign" ("la afición es soberana"). If they boo you, you take it and vow to win them back. Aye he called us twats, but that was this season. al pards touchline ban was last season. It's nothing to do with Carver, who is clearly a bellend. I just hate al pards a good hundred times more than I dislike Carver.
  14. themanupstairs

    John Carver

    During the run of games for which al pards was banned from the stadium, I was really happy that he wasn't polluting the touchline tbh. He was still our manager but it felt good not having him there. This is the real deal. He isn't our manager anymore and I'll be wanting us to beat Burnley as much as I'd want us beating Liverpool or the spackems.
  15. I would go for Patrick Kluivert. Former player, played under some of the best managers out there, young, and if he was good enough for Van Gaal, he;s good enough for me. Ok maybe not Kluivert himself, but someone of that ilk. It's got to be a young manager. Not this merry-go-round shit for fucks sake.
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